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. 2020 Dec 24;8(12):e22792. doi: 10.2196/22792

Table 1.

Demographics of survey respondents.

 Characteristics All Attending Trainee P value
Sex (female), n/N (%) 93/199 (46.7) 37/87 (42.5) 56/112 (50.0) .36
Age (years), median 30-34 40-49 30-34 <.001

<30, n/N (%)a 36/198 (18.2) 1/87 (1.1) 35/111 (31.5)

30-34, n/N (%)a 66/198 (33.3) 6/87 (6.9) 60/111 (54.1)

35-39, n/N (%) 32/198 (16.2) 17/87 (19.5) 15/111 (13.5)

40-49, n/N (%)a 29/198 (14.6) 29/87 (33.3) 0/111 (0.0)

50-59, n/N (%)a 15/198 (7.6) 14/87 (16.1) 1/111 (0.9)

>60, n/N (%)a 20/198 (10.1) 20/87 (23.0) 0/111 (0.0)
PGYb, median  N/Ac N/A  3  N/A
Years in practice, median  N/A 14 N/A   N/A

aIndividual response category was found to be significant upon post hoc testing with Bonferroni correction.

bPGY: postgraduate year.

cN/A: not applicable.