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. 2021 Jan 8;51(11):4003–4012. doi: 10.1007/s10803-020-04857-x

Table 1.

Participant demographics and scores from diagnostic evaluations

ASD (n = 515) Non-ASD (n = 222)
 Age in years (m [SD]) 2.17 [0.29] 2.07 [0.33]
 Male 79.0% 73.4%
 Female 21.0% 26.6%
ADOS-2 Total Score (m [SD]) 21.32[4.62] 6.95[5.05]
MSEL-ELC (m [SD]) 56.17 [10.99] 69.94 [14.99]
 Visual Reception (T) 27.60 [9.66] 35.77 [10.87]
 Fine Motor (T) 27.02 [9.26] 34.19 [11.21]
 Receptive Language (T) 22.06 [6.62] 31.64 [11.39]
 Expressive Language (T) 22.84 [5.81] 31.78 [9.74]
VABS-2-ABC (m [SD]) 71.17 [16.10] 79.99 [9.89]
 Communication (SS) 66.71 [9.70] 80.44 [12.19]
 Daily Living Skills (SS) 72.61 [10.83] 83.08 [12.99]
 Socialization (SS) 71.34 [8.17] 81.83 [10.38]
 Motor Skills (SS) 82.80 [9.10] 85.20 [11.05]

ASD autism spectrum disorder, DD developmental delay, TD typically developing, MSEL-ELC mullen scales of early learning, early learning composite standard score, T T-score, VABS-2-ABC vineland adaptive behavior scales-second edition, adaptive behavior composite, SS standard score