Post-injury administration of PFT-α or PFT-μ at 5 h after TBI significantly reduced contusion volume at 24 h. (A) Structure and molecular weight (MW) of PFT-α and PFT-μ. (B) Coronal sections of sham, vehicle, and PFT-α/ PFT-μ 5 h and 7 h treated TBI rats were obtained and stained with cresyl violet at 24 h post injury. (C) The contusion volumes of TBI groups were not different from one another at 7 h, but at 5 h were significantly reduced by PFT-α or PFT-μ treatment compared to the TBI vehicle (veh) group. Data are expressed as means ± SEM. * P < .05, *** P < .001 versus sham group; ## P < .01, ### P < .001, versus TBI + veh group (n = 8 in TBI + veh and TBI + PFT-α group, n = 5 in sham and TBI + PFT-μ group).