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. 2020 Sep 23;9(19):e017190. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.017190

Table 1.

Baseline Demographic, Clinical, and Echocardiographic Characteristics of the Study Population With Severe Aortic Stenosis According to CKD Stage

Variable No CKD (n=2552) Mild CKD (n=860) Moderate CKD (n=477) Severe CKD n=230) P Value
Demographics, baseline data and symptoms
Age, y 76±10 80±7* 81±7* 80±8* <0.001
Male sex (n, %) 1362 (53.4%) 362 (42.1%) 162 (34.0%) 96 (41.7%) <0.001
Body surface area, m2 1.83±0.2 1.82±0.2 1.80±0.2 1.81±0.2 0.015
NYHA (n, %)
1–2 1810 (70.9%) 549 (63.8%)* 264 (55.3%)* 107 (46.5%)* <0.001
3–4 742 (29.1%) 311 (36.2%)* 213 (44.7%)* 123 (53.5%)*
Medical history and risk factors
Hypertension (n, %) 1738 (68.1%) 640 (74.4%) 384 (80.5%)* 191 (83.0%)* <0.001
Diabetes mellitus (n, %) 613 (24.0%) 237 (27.6%) 139 (29.1%) 96 (41.7%)* <0.001
Coronary artery disease (n, %) 1156 (45.3%) 422 (49.1%) 239 (50.1%) 120 (52.2%) 0.033
Prior myocardial infarction (n, %) 174 (6.8%) 82 (9.5%) 63 (13.2%)* 33 (14.3%)* <0.001
Prior atrial fibrillation (n, %) 543 (21.3%) 266 (30.9%)* 162 (34.0%)* 95 (41.3%)* <0.001
Charlson comorbidity index (without age and renal failure) 2.6±2.1 3.5±2.1* 2.2±1.9* 2.7±2.3 <0.001
Euroscore II§ 2.7±2.8 3.9±3.7* 4.4±3.9* 5.0±5.1* <0.001
Echocardiographic parameters
Aortic valve
Aortic valve area, cm2 0.71 (0.57–0.85) 0.70 (0.56–0.84) 0.69 (0.56–0.84) 0.73 (0.57–0.85) 0.330
Peak aortic jet velocity, m/s 4.30 (3.80–4.79) 4.26 (3.70–4.78) 4.10 (3.60–4.53)* 4.03 (3.47–4.56)* <0.001
Transaortic mean pressure gradient, mm Hg 46 (35–58) 45 (33–58) 41 (30–53)* 40 (29–51)* <0.001
Indexed stroke volume, mL/m2 39 (32–45) 37 (30–44) 36 (30–44) 36 (29–46) 0.001
Left and right ventricular function
LV end‐diastolic diameter, mm 47 (42–52) 47 (42–53) 47 (43–53) 49 (43–53) 0.012
LV end‐systolic diameter, mm 30 (25–35) 30 (24–35) 31 (26–38)* 31 (27–38)* <0.001
Ejection fraction (%) 62 (56–67) 62 (65–68) 59 (51–65)* 60 (50–65)* <0.001
sPAP, mm Hg 30 (25–38) 33 (25–41) 35 (26–45)* 38 (30–51)* <0.001

Continuous normally distributed variables are expressed as mean±1 SD, non‐normally distributed continuous variables are expressed as median (25th and 75th percentiles), and categorical variables as percentages and counts. AS indicates aortic stenosis; CKD, chronic kidney disease; LV, left ventricular; NYHA New York Heart Association class; and sPAP, systolic pulmonary artery pressure.

P<0.001 individual category vs no CKD.

P<0.05 individual category vs no CKD.


Available for 3796 patients.

Available for 3939 patients.

Available for 3241 patients.