Fig. 5.
A: principal components analysis of the transcriptomics data. B: few DEGs (differentially expressed genes) are identified comparing coarcted and sham rats. Coarctation (D) induces more DEGs than in the sham rats (C). Red dots are statistically significant DEGs. E: comparison of the Log2fold change of the three DEG sets: sham unique, shared, and coarcted unique. The expressions (F) and coarctation effect index (shaded blue bars) of the three DEG sets in both sham and coarcted rats. CAB, coarcted above; CBE, coarcted below; SAB, sham above; SBE, sham below. The coarctation effect index defined as Log2FC (coarcted) − Log2FC (sham). The expression (numbers) is log transformed read counts. PVAT tissues are from coarcted (n = 6) and sham (n = 5) male Sprague–Dawley rats. PVAT, perivascular adipose tissue.