A. Map of the conserved Plasmodium protein of unknown function (PF3D7_1433800) with the positions for mutations identified in Thiès_R (I575M) and Pikine_R (S1054F) in its conserved domain [16]. B. Ring-stage survival assay (RSA) survival percentage for two clones of revertants (M575I, c1 and c2, orange) of PF3D7_1433800 mutation I575M in Thiès_R compared to our previously published [17] survival for Thiès_R (green) and wildtype (WT) Thiès control (black). C. RSA survival percentage is shown for one clone of PF3D7_1433800 S1054F mutant in the 3D7 background (c5, blue), compared to the WT 3D7 control (black). Each data point represents an independent biological replicate and dotted line represents the 1% survival threshold, above which survival is considered resistant. Significance level is indicated by the asterisks, **p<0.01, determined using an unpaired two-tailed student t-test with Welch’s correction.