Fig 4. Relationships among 63 L. longipalpis from four sites in Brazil (Lapinha Cave, Sobral, Jacobina and Marajó) based on copy number (CN) of 245 chemoreceptor genes.
(A) Hierarchical analysis of gene CN clustered individuals according to their putative chemotype as determined previously using SNPs. A heatmap of CN illustrates the large number of genes with CNV among the odorant receptors. (B) PCA of gene CN showed a similar pattern, wherein Sobral 2S (2 spots), Marajó and six Jacobina clustered together (Sobralene); seven Sobral 1S (1 spot) and eight Jacobina clustered together (3MαH); and Lapinha Cave and six Sobral 1S (one spot) were in separate clusters (9MGB), which is consistent with the genetic differentiation observed by Hamilton et al. (2005) thus leading them to classify these as different chemotypes (9MGB and 9MGB+) due to the larger quantity of 9MGB produced by males from Lapinha [10].