1 |
Mesh descriptor: (cerebral infarction) explode all trees |
2 |
Mesh descriptor: (cerebrovascular accident) explode all trees |
3 |
Mesh descriptor: (infarction stroke) explode all trees |
4 |
((cerebral infarction∗) or (cerebral∗) or (cerebral next infarction∗) or (infarction∗) or (infarction stroke∗) or (infarction apoplexy∗)):ti, ab, kw |
5 |
Mesh descriptor: (extremities) explode all trees |
6 |
Mesh descriptor: (hemiplegia) explode all trees |
7 |
Mesh descriptor: (paralysis) explode all trees |
8 |
((extremities∗) or (hemiplegia∗) or (paralysis∗) or (limb∗) or (limbs∗) or (extremities hemiplegia∗) or (extremities paralysis∗) or (limb paralysis∗) or (limb hemiplegia∗) or (limbs paralysis∗) or (limbs hemiplegia∗)):ti, ab, kw |
9 |
Or 1-8 |
10 |
MeSH descriptor: (acupuncture) explode all trees |
11 |
MeSH descriptor: (acupuncture therapy) explode all trees |
12 |
((acupuncture∗) or (acupuncture therapy∗) or (therapy∗) or (manual acupuncture∗) or (electroacupuncture∗) o r (fire needling∗) or (warm needling∗) or (scalp acupuncture∗) or (auricular acupuncture∗) or (intradermal needling∗)):ti, ab, kw |
13 |
Or 10-12 |
14 |
MeSH descriptor: (rehabilitation) explode all trees |
15 |
MeSH descriptor: (education) explode all trees |
16 |
((rehabilitation∗) or (education∗) or (training∗) or (rehabilitation training∗) or (rehabilitation education∗)):ti, ab, kw |
17 |
Or 14-16 |
18 |
MeSH descriptor: (randomized controlled trials) explode all trees |
19 |
MeSH descriptor: (controlled) explode all trees |
20 |
MeSH descriptor: (clinical trialsl) explode all trees |
21 |
((random∗) or (allocation∗) or (random allocation∗) or (placebo∗) or (single blind∗) or (double blind∗) or (randomized control trial∗) or (RCT∗) o r (clinical trials∗) or (controlled clinical trials∗)):ti, ab, kw |
22 |
Or 18–21 |
23 |
9 and 13 and 17 and 22 |