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. 2020 Dec 7;11:569871. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.569871


Regression model of the stepwise regression analysis between cellulose and lignin degradation rates (%/month) during one-year and initial chemical properties of foliar litter.

Degradation rate Water treatment Regression model
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
a0 a1X1 (R2) a2X2 (R2) a3X3 (R2) a4X4 (R2)
Cellulose CK = 109.720 −3.527 Cellulose (0.552) −1.775 Lignin (0.676) +1.842N (0.765) −0.055C (0.774)
SS = 108.150 −1.872 Cellulose (0.551) −0.769 Lignin (0.688) −0.418N (0.712)
DS = 114.074 −1.507 Cellulose (0.480) −0.794 Lignin (0.625)
Lignin CK = 104.949 −2.549 Lignin (0.593) −11.180P (0.645) +0.087C (0.674) −0.967Cellulose (0.711)
SS = 131.761 −1.671 Lignin (0.729) −0.652N (0.830)
DS = 110.258 −1.461 Lignin (0.598) 0.045C (0.709) −0.983N (0.739)

a1, a2, a3, and a4 show regression coefficients. X1, X2, X3, and X4 show independent variables (litter chemical traits at each phase). Data in parentheses represent coefficients of determination (R2) at each step. CK, SS, and DS involve no submergence, shallow submergence, and deep submergence, respectively. C, total organic carbon; N, total nitrogen; P, total phosphorus; a0, intercept.