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. 2020 Nov 30;11:580642. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.580642

Table 2.

Neurodevelopmental outcome.

Total (n = 87) Mildly abnormal development (n = 15) Severe brain injury (n = 15)
Epilepsy 8 8
Visual impairment 2 2
Hearing deficit 2 2
Cerebral palsy 2 2
Microcephaly 3 3
Signs of brain injury in MRI scans (n = 24) 7 7
Abnormal EEG (n = 32) 13* 3 9
Neurodevelopmental delay 28 15 13
≤2 areas 21 15 6
≥3 areas 7 7
- Speech 9 6 3
- Psychiatric/behavioral 8 5 3
- Cognition 2 0 2
- Motor 16 9 7
- Global 4 4
Severe mental retardation 2 2
- ADD/ADHD 2 2 0
- Hyperactivity/attention deficit (no AD(H)D diagnosis) 7 4 3
Neurocognitive testing 21 8 8

Data are presented as number. *Including one child without abnormal neurodevelopment. MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; EEG, electroencephalography; (AD(H)D), attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder.