Predicted subcellular localization for A. thaliana orphan genes. (A) Subcellular localization prediction from TAIR for all A. thaliana 1,169 orphan genes. (B) Cellular component GO term analysis of A. thaliana orphan genes (including 852 orphan genes that have predictions). (C) Target peptide analysis of 100 protein sequences generated from A. thaliana intergenic and Numt sequences. Numt DNA is more likely to produce a mitochondrial targeting peptide than intergenic DNA (Chi-squared analysis, X-squared = 29.088, df = 1, P = 6.918e-08). (D) Target peptide analysis on A. thaliana Numt DNA and completely randomized DNA shows similar proclivities for mitochondrial targeting peptides (Chi-squared analysis, X-squared = 0.5002, df = 1, P = 0.4794). (E) The percentage of orphan genes with a putative mitochondrial targeting peptide shows a positive correlation with the percentage of orphan genes in the genome. The correlation coefficient for mitochondria, chloroplast and secreted targeting peptides is 0.488, –0.184, and –0.358 with P of 0.004, 0.305, and 0.041, respectively, n = 33.