Fig. 4. Expression and characterisation of wild-type VLPs for PV1, PV2 and PV3 produced in PV-IRES cassette.
a–c Western blot of fractions from sucrose gradient purified wt VLPs of PV1 (a), PV2 (b) and PV3 (c) expressed using the PV-IRES cassette. Gradients are fractionated from top (fraction 1) to bottom (fraction 12). Detection was with anti-poliovirus blend of monoclonal antibodies MAB8566 (Millipore). d Coomassie stained gel of pooled, desalted and concentrated peak fractions for PV1 wt, PV2 wt and PV3 wt identified in a–c. Protein bands for individual subunits VP0 (37.5 kDa), VP1 (33.1 kDa) and VP3 (26.5 kDa) are labelled. e-g Negative stain EM images of PV1 wt, PV2 wt and PV3 wt VLPs produced from the PV-IRES expression cassette. Black arrowheads highlight individual VLPs. Scale bars 100 nm.