Estrogen synthesis enzyme HSD17β1 is reduced in skin epidermal keratinocytes of vitiligo patients. (a) Western blot analysis of 5 μg protein from vitiligo patients and healthy controls. Vit., vitiligo patient; Epi., epidermis; Der., dermis; L., lesional skin of vitiligo; PL., perilesional skin of vitiligo. (b) Representative sections of skin from healthy donors and vitiligo patients stained by the anti-HSD17β1 antibody (in green) and Hoechst 33342 (in blue) are shown. The corresponding bright-field microscopy image is shown in the lower panel. White bar, 100 µm. (c) Summary illustration of the possible involvement of local estrogen in vitiligo development. KC, keratinocytes; MC, melanocytes.