Figure 3.
The sex of the infant determines the intensity of MIP-1β responses to bacterial lysates. (A) The heatmap presents in each row the median value for the cytokine and chemokines depicted in the left according to the treatment and the sex of the infants from whom the samples were collected (columns). The values are presented in logarithmic (10) scale as shown in the right. (B–I) The individual cytokines and chemokines detected upon stimulation with or without lysates from E. faecalis (circles), S. agalacticae (squares), S. aureus (triangles), and controls (diamonds) are presented in boxplots. For each bacteria lysate, the levels of the respective cytokines were compared between cultures of UBMC from female (F) and male (M) donors: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.001. MannWhitney U Test. Boxplots represent the median, minimum, and maximal, whilst the dots depict the individual values.