Analysis of dimerization of the CST variants using the NanoBiT approach. (A) RLU values obtained for the selected protein combinations and the corresponding negative controls. RLU, relative luminescence units; N-S-, protein tagged with SmBiT at the N-terminus; N-L-, protein tagged with LgBiT at the N-terminus; A1, SLC35A1; NEG, HaloTag tagged with SmBiT. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons and are presented as a mean ± standard deviation (SD) from three technical replicates. ns, not significant; p < 0.001 ****. Representative data from two biological replicates with similar tendencies are shown. (B) Decimal logarithms of the ratios calculated by dividing a mean luminescence obtained for the tested combination by a mean luminescence obtained for the corresponding control. The dashed line marks a level of a 10-fold increase (log10 fold change equal 1) of signal over control which sets a threshold of significance suggested by the manufacturer. (C) Bioluminescent imaging of the wild-type CST homodimerization in living HEK293T cells. The NanoLuc-derived luminescence (green) was merged with a brightfield image. Concentrated perinuclear localization of the signals strongly suggests that the CST monomers localize to and interact within the Golgi apparatus.