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. 2020 Dec 28;26(1):92. doi: 10.3390/molecules26010092

Table 1.

Natural products (1–81) regulated mitochondria by different mechanisms in cancer cells.

No. Isolated Compound Origin Cell Line Mechanism Reference
1 Ganoleuconin O Ganoderma leucocontextum Huh7.5 Fatty acid immobilization, loss of the mitochondrial lipid cardiolipin [30]
2 Lupeol Bombax ceiba SK-RC-45 Mitochondrial hyper fission [31]
3 Betulinic acid Betula alba HeLa Cardiolipin modification, ROS generation, Bad, caspase 9 [32,33]
4 Alisol B-23-acetate Alisma orientale A549, NCI-H292 ROS generation, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, activation of caspase-3, -9, release of cytochrome c/AIF [34]
5 Genipin Gardenia jasminoides N18TG2 Activation of dicarboxylate carrier, decreased activity of UCP1, UCP3, and complex III of the respiratory chain, UCP2 inhibition [35]
6 Alternol Yew tree PC-3 Decrease of mitochondrial respiration, isocitric acid, fumaric acid and malic acid, ATP production [36,37]
7 Cyathin Q Cyathus africanus HCT116 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, Bcl-xL↓, ROS generation, release of cytochrome c [38]
8 3α-hydroxy-19α-hydrogen-29-aldehyde-27-lupanoic acid Potentilla discolor HepG2 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, release of cytochrome c [39]
9 Uvedafolin Smallanthus sonchifolius HeLa MMP loss, release of cytochrome c [40]
10 Heteronemin Hippospongia sp. Molt4 ROS generation [41]
11 Jatrogossone A Jatropha gossypiifolia KOPN-8 MMP loss, ROS generation [42]
12 Walsuronoid B Walsura robusta Bel-7402, HepG2 ROS generation, mitochondrial and lysosomal dysfunction [43]
13 Ferruginol Podocarpus ferruginea MDA-T32 ROS generation, MMP loss, Bcl-2↓ [44,45]
14 Lobocrassin B Lobophytum crassum CL1-5, H520,
Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, ROS generation, MMP loss, release of cytochrome c, activation of caspase-3 [46]
15 Aellinane Euphorbia aellenii Caov-4 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, ROS generation, MMP loss [47]
16 Tingenin B Maytenus sp. MCF-7s Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, MMP loss [48]
17 3-O-trans-p-coumaroyl alphitolic acid Ziziphus jujuba PC-3 ROS generation [49]
18 Zerumbone Zingiber zerumbet PC-3, DU-145 Tubulin binding and crosstalk between endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial insult [50,51]
19 Isoquercitrin Hibiscus cannabinus MDA-MB-231 LSD1-induced mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis pathway [52,53]
20 Luteolin Cauliflower, peanut, and carrot SW1990 Inhibitor of Bcl-2, mitochondrial permeabilization [54]
21 Dihydromyricetin Ampelopsis grossedentata HepG2 Akt/Bad signal pathway, mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, Bax↑, Bad↑, inhibition of the phosphorylation of Bad at Ser136 and Ser112 [55,56]
22 Artonin E Artocarpus elasticus SKOV-3 Release of cytochrome c, Activation of caspases-3, -8, and -9, Bax↑, Bcl-2↓, HSP70↓, survivin↓ [57]
23 Myricetin Fruits and vegetables SNU-80 Bax/Bcl-2↑, release of AIF [58]
24 Xanthones Garcinia xanthochymus HepG2 Bax↑, Bcl-2↓, Bcl-xL↓, Mcl-1↓, and survivin↓ [59]
25 Cycloartobiloxanthone Artocarpus gomezianus H460 Bax↑, Bcl-2↓, Mcl-1↓ [60]
26 Paratocarpin E Euphorbia humifusa MCF-7 Bax↑, Bcl-2↓, release of cytochrome c [61]
27 Puerarin 6′’-O-xyloside Pueraria lobata SW480 Bax↑, Bad↑, Bcl-2↓, caspase-3 and -9 activation [62]
28 α-mangostin Cratoxylum arborescens HeLa ROS generation, MMP loss, release of cytochrome c [63]
29 Chrysin Honey and propolis Mitochondria isolated from
hepatocytes of HCC rats
ROS generation, MMP loss, release of cytochrome c, swelling in mitochondria [64,65]
30 Fisetin Strawberries, apples, grapes, onions, and cucumbers SCC-4 ROS generation, Ca2+ production, MMP loss, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, Bid↑, release of cytochrome c, AIF, and Endo G [66,67]
31 Baicalein Scutellaria baicalensis, Scutellaria radix A2780 Combination therapy with baicalein and taxol had
much higher antitumor effects compared with the monotherapy. Release of cytochrome c, and caspase-3 and -9 activation
32 Alpinetin Zingiberaceous
A549 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, Bcl-xL↓, XIAP↓, PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, sensitized drug-resistant lung cancer cells [70,71]
33 Chamaejasmin B Stellerachamaejasme KB, KBV200 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, MMP loss, release of cytochrome c and AIF [72]
34 Mensacarcin Streptomyces bacteria SK-Mel-28, SK-Mel-5, HCT-116 Release of cytochrome c, energy production and mitochondrial function rapidly disturbed [73]
35 Gracillin Dioscorea gracillima H226B, H460 Targeting mitochondrial complex II, suppressing ATP synthesis, ROS generation [74]
36 Polyphyllin I Paris polyphylla MDA-MB-231 Mitochondrial translocation of DRP1, mitochondrial fission, release of cytochrome c, mitochondrial PTEN-induced kinase 1↑ [75,76]
37 Frondoside A Cucumaria frondosa CA46 Bcl-2↓, survivin↓, release of HtrA2/Omi and cytochrome c, ROS generation [77]
38 3β-O-α-l-
Clematis ganpiniana MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 Release of cytochrome c and Apaf-1, upregulation of caspase-9 and caspase-3 [78]
39 Sakuraso-saponin Aegiceras corniculatum LNcaP, 22RV-1, C4-2 Bcl-xL↓ [79,80]
40 Ginsenoside compound K Panax ginseng SK-N-BE(2), SH-SY5Y Bcl-2↓, Bcl-xL↓ [81]
41 Escin Aesculus hippocastanum 786-O, Caki-1 G2/M arrest and ROS-modulated mitochondrial pathways [82]
42 α-Hederin Hedera helix SW620 NF-κB signaling pathway, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, release of cytochrome c [83,84]
43 Cathachunine Catharanthus roseus HL60 ROS-dependent mitochondria-mediated intrinsic pathway, Bcl-2/Bax↓, ROS generation, MMP loss, release of cytochrome c [85]
44 Berberine Rhizoma coptidis T98G, LN18 ERK1/2-mediated impairment of mitochondrial aerobic respiration [86,87]
45 Papuamine Haliclona sp. H1299 Intracellular ATP depleted by causing mitochondrial dysfunction, mitochondrial superoxide production [88]
46 Bis (2-ethyl hexyl) 1H-pyrrole-3, 4-dicarboxylate Tinospora cordifolia MDA-MB-231 ROS generation, increase in intracellular calcium, phosphorylation of p53, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, MPTP, and cardiolipin peroxidation, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, release of cytochrome c, caspase activation, DNA fragmentation [89]
47 Unantimycin A Found in the fraction library of microbial metabolites Semi-intact cells with specific substrates for each complex of the mitochondrial electron
transport chain
Targeted inhibition of mitochondrial complex I [90]
48 NPL40330 Found in chemical library Semi-intact cells with specific substrates for each complex of the mitochondrial electron
transport chain
Targeted inhibition of mitochondrial complex III [90]
49 Boholamide A Marine mollusks U87MG Influx of Ca2+ [91]
50 Cernumidine Solanum cernuum T24 Cytotoxicity and chemosensitizing effect of cernumidine to cisplatin. Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, MMP loss [92]
51 Lycorine Amaryllidaceae plant family HepG2 mPTP opening, MMP loss, ATP depletion, release of Ca2+ and cytochrome c, caspase activation [93]
52 Lagunamides A Lyngbya majuscule A549 MMP loss, ROS generation [94]
53 Cordycepin Cordyceps OVCAR-3 Downregulation of mitochondrial function and limitation of energy production; metastasis and migration suppressed [95,96]
54 2,3-Dihydro-7-
Ferula ferulaeoides C6 MMP loss, Bcl-xL↓, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, cleavage of Bid, FAS↑, FADD↑ [97]
55 Dentatin Clausena excavate HepG2 Bcl-xL↓, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, release of cytochrome c [98,99]
56 Aesculetin Cortex Fraxini THP-1 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑ [100]
57 Quambalarine B Quambalaria cyanescens Jurkat E6.1 Inhibition of mitochondrial complex I and II, inhibition of mitochondrial respiration, metabolism reprogramming [101,102]
58 Plumbagin Plumbago zeylanica MG63 ROS generation, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, Bcl-xL↓, and Bak↓, endoplasmic reticulum stress [103]
59 Shikonin Lithospermum erythrorhizon HGC-27 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, survivin↓ [104]
60 2,7-dihydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone Hedyotis diffusa SGC-7901 Bcl-xl↓, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, Bad↑, release of cytochrome c [105]
61 3-hydroxy-1,5,6-trimethoxy-2-methyl-9,10-anthraquinone Prismatomeris connate A549, H1299 Bcl-2↓, Mcl-1↓, Bax↑ [106]
62 Thymoquinone Nigella sativa T24, 253J Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, release of cytochrome c and AIF [107]
63 Methylsulfonylmethane Fruits and vegetables YD-38 Bcl-xL↓, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, release of cytochrome c, MMP loss [108,109]
64 Parameritannin A-2 Urceola huaitingii HGC27 Enhanced doxorubicin-induced mitochondria-dependent apoptosis, inhibition of the PI3K/Akt, ERK1/2 and p38 pathways, Bcl-2↓, Bcl-xl↓, Bax↑, Bid↑, release of cytochrome c, caspase activation [110]
65 Resveratrol Polygonum cuspidatum,
Veratrum nigrum,
Cassia obtusifolia
H838, H520;
Enhanced antitumor activities of cisplatin;
Induced apoptosis
66 Oleuropein Olea europaea H1299 Bcl-2/Bax↓, release of cytochrome c, activation of caspase-3 [113,114]
67 Homoisoflavanone-1 Polygonatum odoratum A549 Mitochondria-caspase-dependent and ER stress pathways, Bcl-2/ Bak↓ [115]
68 Gallic acid Green tea,
red wine
H446 ROS-dependent mitochondrial apoptotic pathway [116]
69 Hierridin b Cyanobium sp. HT-29 Proteomics identified 21 differentially expressed proteins belonging to the categories protein
folding/synthesis and cell structure and reduced mitochondrial activity and as confirmed by morphological analysis of mitochondrial parameters
70 Deoxyarbutin Ecklonia cava B16F10 MMP loss, ATP depletion and ROS overload generation [119]
71 Magnolol Magnolia officinalis OS-RC-2, 786-O P53, Bcl-2/Bax↓, release of cytochrome c, caspase activation, ROS generation [120]
72 Oblongifolin C Garcinia yunnanensis QBC939 Mitochondrial dysfunction [121]
73 Amorfrutin C Glycyrrhiza foetida HT-29 mPTP opening, mitochondrial oxygen consumption and extracellular acidification increased [122]
74 Allyl isothiocyanate Cruciferous vegetables MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 ROS and Ca2+ production, MMP loss, release of cytochrome c, AIF, and Endo G, Bcl-2↓, Bax↑ [123,124]
75 α-conidendrin Taxus yunnanensis MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 ROS generation, p53↑, Bax↑, Bcl-2↓, MMP loss, release of cytochrome c, activation of caspases-3 and -9 [125]
76 Dehydrobruceine B Brucea javanica A549, NCI-H292 MMP loss, release of cytochrome c, cleavage of caspase-9, caspase-3, and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) [126]
77 Frugoside Calotropis procera M14, A375 ROS generation [127,128]
78 Methyl caffeate Solanum torvum MCF-7 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, Bid↑, p53↑, cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP, release of cytochrome c [129]
79 Tetrahydrocurcumin Curcuma longa MCF-7 ROS generation, Bcl-2↓, PARP↓, Bax↑, release of cytochrome c, MMP loss [130]
80 Phloretin Apple tree leaves and Manchurian apricot EC-109 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑ [131]
81 Sesamol Sesame seeds HepG2 Bcl-2↓, Bax↑, MMP loss, H2O2 production, PI3K Class III/Belin-1 pathway [132]