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. 2020 Dec 27;21(1):115. doi: 10.3390/s21010115
L cantilever length
w cantilever width
h cantilever thickness
t time
x space coordinate (distance from the cantilever support)
q(x,t) time-varying distributed load acting on the beam at a distance x from the support, per unit length
W(x,t) time-varying deflection of the beam at a distance x from the support
Fz shear forces acting on the element of the beam
My bending moment acting on the element of the beam
ρ density of the structural material
A area of rectangular beam cross section
Iz second moment of area of the rectangular cross section beam
E Young’s modulus of the structural material
ψ(t) temporal term solution of harmonic oscillation
Φ(x) spacial term solution of harmonic oscillation
c1,2,3,4 constants of spacial term solution of harmonic oscillation
f0,n natural (undamped) resonance frequency of mode n
ω0,n natural (undamped) radial resonance frequency of mode n
z displacement of the one-degree-of-freedom microcantilever from the equilibrium position (z = 0)
z˙ velocity of the one-degree-of-freedom microcantilever
z¨ acceleration of the one-degree-of-freedom microcantilever
keff effective spring constant of the microcantilever
meff effective mass of the nth resonant mode of the microcantilever
mc total mass of the microcantilever
c intrinsic viscous damping coefficient
Q quality factor
ω excitation frequency
F0eiωt excitation harmonic force at ω, with amplitude F0
A0 amplitude of the motion at ω
ϕ phase between the applied external force and the motion at ω
ωres resonance frequency of the nth mode of intrinsically damped resonators
m0  mass of the cantilever per unit length
c0 intrinsic viscous damping coefficient per unit length
Fhydro(x,t) time-varying distributed hydrodynamic load, acting on the beam at a distance x, per unit length
mA added mass by interactions with the surrounding fluid, per unit length
cV added damping coefficient by interactions with the surrounding fluid, per unit length
ωR,n resonance frequency of the nth mode of extrinsically damped resonators with added mass and damping
Qn quality factor of the nth mode
Γrect'(ω) real part of the hydrodynamic load acting on a microcantilever with rectangular cross section
Γrect(ω) imaginary part of the hydrodynamic load acting on a microcantilever with rectangular cross section
ρf density of the fluid
η viscosity of the fluid
δ  thickness of the layer in which the velocity of the fluid drops by a factor of 1/e
Re Reynolds number
a1, a2, b1, b2 Maali’s constants for Γrect(ω)
τ integration time
σy(τ) Allan deviation for time windows of duration τ
fi consecutive ith frequency measurements
fc nominal carrier frequency
Sy(f) spectral density of frequency fluctuations
SΦ(f) spectral density of phase fluctuations
yrms(f) measured root mean squared (rms) value of normalized frequency
Φrms(f) measured root mean squared (rms) value of normalized phase
BW width of the frequency band in Hz
Pnoise (1 Hz)(f) power density in one single sideband due to phase modulation by noise, for a 1 Hz bandwidth (dBm/Hz)
Psignal  total power of the carrier (dBm)
(f) single-sideband phase noise, the ratio of Pnoise (1 Hz)(f) to Psignal (dBc/Hz)
fh cut-off frequency of an infinitely sharp low-pass filter
h2, h1, h0, h1, h2 constants to fit power-laws to random walk frequency noise, flicker of frequency, white frequency noise, flicker of phase and white phase noise, respectively
A, B, C, D, E numerical constants for conversion between frequency (spectral densities) and time (Allan deviation) domains
δfmin minimum measurable frequency shift
LoD limit of detection
δf0 shift in the natural (undamped) resonance frequency
δfR shift in the damped resonance frequency of microcantilevers with added mass and damping;
δkeff infinitesimal change of the effective stiffness of the cantilever induced by the adsorbate
δmeff infinitesimal change of the effective mass of the cantilever induced by the adsorbate
δmA infinitesimal change of the added mass induced by the fluid
δη infinitesimal change in the viscosity of the fluid
δρf infinitesimal change in the density of the fluid
S sensitivity
Smass,vac, Smass,fluid  mass sensitivity in vacuum and in fluid
Sviscosity,fluid viscosity sensitivity
τA, τ˙A applied shear stress and shear stress rate
δD, δ˙D shear strain and shear strain rate of a viscous dashpot
δS, δ˙S shear strain and shear strain rate of an elastic spring
δtot, δ˙tot  shear strain and shear strain rate of the spring-dashpot series
G0 elasticity constant of the fluid
λ characteristic relaxation time of the fluid
ω frequency of the applied shear stress and induced total strain response
φ phase between applied stress and total strain response
τ0 amplitude of the shear stress
δ0 amplitude of the total strain response
G* dynamic elastic modulus
G, G elastic and viscous parts of the dynamic elastic modulus
η* complex dynamic viscosity
η, η viscous and elastic parts of the dynamic viscosity
|H(ω)H0| general ratio of amplitudes of the transfer function