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. 2020 Dec 30;22(1):316. doi: 10.3390/ijms22010316

Table 3.

Clinical trials with radon application from year 2000 on.

First Author
Year of Publication
Trial Design Patient Number
Dose Type of Exposure
Endpoints and Timepoints Most Important Findings Ref.
Franke et al., 2000 Prospective;
60 patients RA Radon group:
1.3 kBq/L, 1.6 g/L CO2
Placebo group:
1.6 g/L CO2
20 min
15 times
4 weeks
T = 35 °C
Occupational therapy
Galvanic bathes (3/week)
Classic massage
Pain intensity (VAS)
Keitel functional Test (KFI)
Arthritis Impact Measurement (AIMS)
Before and directly after therapy, as well as, 3 and 6 months after therapy.
Pain intensity decreased in both groups, radon treatment results in a significant and longer lasting benefit from pain relief;
KFI more in radon group;
AIMS score was significantly increased in radon treated patients up to 6 months;
KFI score shows a not significant benefit in radon treated patients
Van Tubergen et al., 2001 Prospective;
different treatment groups at different places.
120 patients AS
(40 spa with radon, 40 spa w/o radon
40 physical therapy at home)
Radon group:
0.536 WLM
Placebo group:
Thermal water + sauna
Gallery/ inhalation
Each 1 h
16 times
3 weeks
T = 38–41 °C
Physical exercise
Postural correction therapy
Well-being VAS
Pain intensity VAS
Morning stiffness
Before therapy
After therapy week 4, 16, 28, and 40
Primary goals borderline significant;
pooled index of change shows highly significant differences as well as long-lasting effects of radon compared to conventional treatment
Yamaoka et al., 2004 Prospective 15 people
(putative healthy individuals)
Radon group:
2080 Bq/m3
Sauna Group:
54 Bq/m3
Control Group:
54 Bq/m3
40 min
5 times
TRadon = 36 °C
TSauna = 48 °C
TControl = 36 °C
lipid metabolism
CD4/CD8 immune cells
vasoactive substances
diabetes-associated markers
Blood draw before and at 2 h after each treatment. In addition, 5 and 10 days after treatment.
Significant increase in SOD as well as decrease of lipid metabolism and cholesterol at 10 days for radon and sauna group;
radon enhances T cell activity significantly, while sauna has similar effects, only significant at 10 days after treatment;
radon enhances the CD4 T cell amount significantly after treatment, while CD8 T cells were decreased, respectively;
radon group shows significantly more endorphin and a reduced vasopression
Yamaoka et al., 2004 Prospective 20 patients OA Radon group:
2080 Bq/m3
40 min each
Every 2 days
T = 42 °C
SOD, catalase, lipid peroxide, total cholesterol, GSH, β-endorphin, ACTH, uric acid, ANP, and vasopressin levels in blood
Before therapy, 2 h, 2, 4 and 6 weeks after therapy
SOD activity is significantly and long-lasting increased;
Catalase activity is significantly increased after 4 and 6 weeks;
T cells of CD4 type are increased, while CD8 T cells are decreased from 2 to 4 weeks after therapy;
β-endorphin and anti-ANP levels were significantly and long-lasting increased after therapy;
Vasopressin was significantly and long-lasting decreased;
Cholesterol and lipid peroxide levels were significantly and long-lasting decreased
Shehata et al., 2006 Retrospective 83 patients AS
(radon treatment)
10 patients AS
(conv. Treatment)
10 patients LBP
Radon group:
~4.5 nCi/l
Placebo groups:
Convent. Therapy
Gallery/ inhalation
1 h each
T = 38–41 °C
9–12 times
3–4 weeks
TGF-β (total and active form)
Before, during and after the treatment (~0, 2 and 4 weeks)-
Total TGF-β level increased significantly in radon exposed patients compared to conventional treated patients or LBP controls;
active TGF-β increased strongly and significantly in radon exposed patients compared to conventional treated patients or LBP controls;
therapy responders show an inverse correlation with CRP concentration
Franke et al., 2007 Prospective;
134 patients RA
(67 patients per group)
Radon group:
1.1 kBq/L, 1.3 g/L CO2
Placebo group:
1.6 g/L CO2
20 min
15 times
3 weeks
T = 35 °C
Occupational therapy
Galvanic bathes (3/week)
Swedish massage
pain intensity, pain frequency, morning stiffness, functional capacity (all VAS), Drug intake
Before and after last treatment, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after treatment
Drug intake was significantly reduced from month 9 on;
both groups had treatment effects, most not significant;
repeated measurement ANCOVA revealed significant and long-lasting enhanced quality of life due to fewer limitations induced by pain
Moder et al., 2010 Prospective 33 AS patients Radon group:
~4.5 nCi/L
Gallery/ inhalation
90 min each
10 times
3 weeks
37–40.5 °C
Disease activity, BASDAI. BASFI, BASMI
serum concentration of RANKL, OPG, TNFα, TGF-β, IL-17, IL-6
Before and after therapy (3 weeks)
Disease-associated scores BASDAI. BASFI, BASMI decreased significantly after therapy;
serum conc. of TGF-β1, IL-6, TNF-α, RANKL, OPG, as well as OPG/RANKL ratio was significantly increased;
active form of TGF-β, IL-6, TNFα.
Franke et al., 2013
(IMuRa Trial)
652 Patients
BP 437 pts.
OA 230 pts.
RA 98 pts.
AS 39 pts.
Multi 146 pts.
Radon group
(332 patients)
Radon bathes according to specific center (with or without CO2)
Radon Speleotherapy
Control group:
(320 patients)
Placebo bathes according to specific center (either tap water or non-radon-containing fountain, with or without CO2)
20 min
12 times
3–4 weeks
T = 36–38 °C
Pain intensity (VAS)
Pain Questionnaire
Functional capacity (FFbH)
Western Ontario questionnaire (WOMAC)
Health assessment questionnaire (HAQ)
Drug intake
Before and after last treatment, 3, 6, and 9 month after treatment
Radon treatment leading to significant and long-lasting relieve of self-assessed pain (VAS);
OA and BP patients have the strongest and most lasting benefit from radon treatment, while OA patients seem to additionally have an enhanced quality of living up to 6 months after treatment
Dischereit et al., 2014 (Article in german) Prospective 24 patients RA
24 patients OA
Radon group
44 kBq/m3
Gallery/ inhalation
60 min each
12 times
3 weeks
T = 37.5–41 °C
Pain intensity and duration
Disease activity and functional score (BASDAI; BAS-G)
Serum levels of RANKL, OPG, and TNF-α
Directly before and after therapy, as well as 3 months after therapy
Pain was relieved after therapy and after 3 months in AS patients and after 3 months in OA patients;
BASDAI was reduced significantly, and long-lasting in AS patients;
TNF-α level was decreased in both groups, significantly in OA; RANKL level was significantly decreased in both groups, OPG increased only in AS;
RANKL/OPG ratio decreased only AS significantly
Winklmayr et al., 2015 Prospective;
64 healthy individuals
Married partners
Radon group
412–900 Bq/L,
thermal water
20 min
5 times + 3 times brush up
T = 36–39 °C
Mountain hiking 3–4 h daily
Serum conc. OPG, RANKL, OPG/RANKL ratio
Day 0, 6, 60, and 63 and 6 months after last treatment
Treatment benefits were seen in both groups in OPG, RANKL, and OPG/RANKL ratio;
detected borderline significant trend towards bigger effect in Radon treated group
Lange et al., 2016 and 2012 Prospective 25 patients RA
24 patients OA
Radon group
4.5 nCi/l
Gallery/ inhalation
60 min each
12 times
3 weeks
T = 37.5–41 °C
serum conc. RANKL, OPG, TNF-α, and ACPA
Directly before and after therapy
The serum conc. of TNFα and RANKL levels decreased in both groups;
only in RA patients, OPG level increased, leading to a decreased RANKL/OPG ratio;
ACPA titers decreased only in RA patients
Lange et al., 2017 Endpoints:
Pain VAS
FFbH questionnaire
Serum CRP, RANKL, OPG, TNF-α, IL-10, and ACPA
Directly before and after therapy, as well as 3 months after therapy
RA patients have significant immediate and lasting effect in pain relief, while health status (FFbH) is increasing;
OA patients have significantly lasting pain relief effect;
serum concentration of IL-10 is significantly increased directly after treatment in RA patients
Rühle et al., 2017 (RAD-ON01) Prospective
100 patients with musculoskeletal disorders
50 patients per group
Ambulant patients
Radon group
1200 Bq/L, Radon water only group);
Radon/CO2 group
600 Bq/L and 1 g/l CO2; Radon-CO2-group
Covered bath-tube
20 min each
9 times
3 weeks
T = 35 °C
Immune modulation via DIoB [100] method
Pain relief (VAS and questionnaire)
Pain sensitivity (dolorimetry, pressure point measurement)
Directly before as well as 6, 12, and 30 weeks after therapy
Long-lasting and significant pain reduction until end of observation period in whole trial population;
significant and long-lasting increase in T cells and monocytes;
significant temporarily increase of dendritic cells and regulatory T cells;
significant and long-lasting reduction of the expression of the activation marker CD69 on T, B, and NK cells
Cucu et al., 2017
Amount of regulatory T cells
Serum markers of bone and lipid metabolism
significant and long-lasting decrease of collagen fragments (CTX-I) and reduced levels of visfatin. Both factors are correlating significantly with pain intensity (VAS);
regulatory T cells increase significantly and long-lasting after treatment
Rühle et al., 2018 (RAD-ON01) Endpoints:
Pain relief (VAS and questionnaire)
Pain sensitivity (dolorimetry, pressure point measurement)
Blood pressure
Antioxidative capacity (AOC)
Superoxiddismutase (SOD)
Long-lasting and significant pain reduction until the end of the observation period in whole trial population, Radon CO2 bathes show a trend to be less effective (n.s.);
lowered blood pressure in both groups, nightly measured systolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly decreased in Radon/CO2 treated patients;
SD-VLF decreased significantly after radon therapy;
SOD2 reduced significantly 6 weeks after treatment and increased significantly long-lasting
Kullmann et al., 2018 (RAD-ON01) Endpoints:
Detection of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in serum of patients.
No significant effects found for TNFα, IL-1β, IFNγ, IL-18, IL-1Ra, IL-10 concentration in serum of the patients;
TGF-β concentration was significantly increased after treatment and significantly correlates with pain sensitivity;
IL-18 level corresponds with lowered pain perception

Abbreviations: ACPA: anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies; ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone; ACTH: Adrenocorticotropine; AIMS: arthritis impact measurement score; ANP: atrial natriuretic polypeptide; AOC: Antioxidative Capacity; AS: ankylosing spondylitis; BAG-G: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Patient Global Score; BALF: bronchioalvelolar lavage fluid; BASDAI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; BASFI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index; BASMI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index; BP: Back Pain; CD: cluster of differentiation; CO2: carbon dioxide; CRP: c-reactive protein; CTX: Cross Laps; FFbH: Funktions Fragebogen Hannover (Functional Capacity); GSH: Glutathione; HAQ: Health assessment questionnaire; IFN: interferon; IL: interleukin; KFI: Keitel functional index; LBP: lower back pain; OA: Osteoarthritis; OPG: osteoprotegerin; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; RANKL: receptor activator of NFkB Ligand; SOD: superoxide dismutase; TGF: transforming growth factor; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; VAS: Visual Analog Scale; WOMAC: Western Ontario questionnaire. Bold letters highlight the trial groups, additional treatments, trial endpoints, and timepoints of investigation.