Fig. 10.
Mice exposed to diesel exhaust particles have increased expression of NF-κB p65. Representative images of NF-κB p65 expression in the lungs of C57Bl/6 mice on a control (LF; a-c) or high-fat (HF; g-i) diet exposed to saline (control) or on a LF (d-f) or HF diet (j-l) exposed to diesel exhaust particles (DEP – 35 μg PM/m3) twice a week for a total of 30 days. Green fluorescence indicates NF-κB p65 expression, blue fluorescence is nuclear staining (Hoechst). Right panels (c, f, i, l) are merged figures of left (blue; a, d, g, j) and center (green; b, e, h, k) panels. m Graph of histology analysis of lung NF-κB p65 fluorescence. n Mean normalized gene expression of NF-κB p65 mRNA transcript expression within the lung, as determined by RT-qPCR. 40x magnification, scale bar = 100 μm. Data are depicted as mean ± SEM with *p < 0.05 compared to LF Control, †p < 0.05 compared to HF Control, ‡p < 0.05 compared to LF DEP by two way ANOVA