Fig. 12.
Probiotic supplementation alters the microbial profile and decreases the expansion of Proteobacteria. a Quantification by qPCR of (a) Eubacteria (log scale), b 100% stacked columns representing the percentages of major phyla within the lungs of C57Bl/6 wildtype mice on high-fat (HF) diet exposed to either saline (control) or diesel exhaust particles (DEP – 35 μg PM) twice a week for a total of 30 days alongside a dose of 0.3 g/day (~ 7.5 × 107 cfu/day) of Ecologic® Barrier probiotics in the drinking water over the course of the exposures. Data are depicted as mean ± SEM with *p < 0.05 compared to HF Control, ‡p < 0.05 compared to HF DEP by two way ANOVA. The saline group included on the graph is a negative control reference and was not included in the two way ANOVA analysis