Table 1.
recommendations for restoring and maintaining essential maternity services during the COVID-19 pandemic
Component of service | Measures to ensure safe service delivery |
Antenatal care | ⦁ Stratify pregnancy risk: |
‣ More frequent visits for high-risk pregnancies. | |
‣ Third trimester visits for low-risk pregnancies | |
⦁ Offer extended doses of ferrous sulphate/folate of three-four months. | |
⦁ ; Provide all relevant client care in a single visit to avoid unnecessary repeat visits | |
⦁ Promote the use of telemedicine and digital platforms wherever possible. Advocacy for internet subsidies for maternity care is needed. | |
⦁ Utilise the first contact fully for any missed opportunities including vaccinations and laboratory evaluations, and where possible, provide laboratory results over the phone. | |
⦁ Restrict antenatal admissions to only those unavoidable, and limit the allowable number of visitors in the antenatal wards to only one appropriately screened individual. | |
Labour and delivery | ⦁ Universal infection prevention and control measures throughout labour and delivery |
⦁ Allow only birth companion, preferably the partner, who should be appropriately screened for COVID-19. | |
⦁ Caesarean sections must be performed for obstetric indications, regardless of the COVID-19 status of the patient. | |
⦁ All patients requiring emergency surgery must be offered, with or without COVID-19 test results, observing universal IPC measures persistently, consistently and correctly. | |
⦁ Minimise waiting times, operation and recovery times to the best possible, ensuring that the most skilled manpower is available. | |
⦁ Work closely with paediatricians to urgently resuscitate babies, and shorten the time to transfer them to neonatal units. | |
⦁ Whenever possible, utilise maternal waiting shelters, ensuring the most possible IPC standards are observed. | |
Postnatal care | ⦁ Shorten the hospital duration as much as possible for patients who deliver both normally and vaginally. |
⦁ Educate patients on danger signs, and offer telephone numbers for teleconsultations. | |
⦁ Where physical postnatal visits are unavoidable, offer the maximum possible care in one visit to avoid all avoidable repeat visits. |