A. Expression of STIM1 in the differentiating odontoblasts, alveolar bone and dental pulp cells in 2-month old mouse heads. Boxes indicated as 1 and 2 have been magnified and the corresponding images are shown in the panel. Arrows point to STIM1 positive cells in the pulp and bone. P=pulp; OD=odontoblasts, Den = dentin and AB=alveolar bone.
B. Expression of Orai1 in the odontoblasts, alveolar bone and dental pulp cells. Note localization of Orai1 at the plasma membrane of the odontoblasts and dental pulp cells. Arrows point to the membrane localization of Orai1 in the pulp and bone cells. P=pulp, OD=odontoblasts, Den = dentin and AB=alveolar bone.