Fig. 3.
SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 intoxication induces the recruitment of NF-κB to the IL-6 gene promoter in vivo in the lungs: Suppression by wtAIDS treatment. a The map of mouse IL-6 promoter region that harbors one consensus NF-κB-binding site (position − 124 to − 110). Six-eight week old C57/BL6 mice of both sexes were treated intranasally with wtAIDS or mAIDS peptides (100 ng/mouse/d). After 10 min, mice were intoxicated with recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 (50 ng/mouse/d) via intranasal route. After 7d of treatment, in situ ChIP for p65 and p50 followed by semi-quantitative (b) and quantitative PCR (c, p65; d, p50; e, p300; f, RNA polymerase; g, control IgG) analyses of IL-6 promoter were performed. Results are mean + SEM of four mice per group. ***p < 0.001. h A schema depicting spike S1-induced transcriptional activation of the IL-6 gene