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. 2020 Dec 10;12(12):e12008. doi: 10.7759/cureus.12008

Table 1. Summarizing the association between plasma lipids and AD.

LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TC: total cholesterol; TG: triglycerides; AD: Alzheimer's disease; APO: apolipoprotein; Aβ: beta-amyloid; MCI: mild cognitive impairment; BBB: blood-brain barrier; 24S HC: 24S hydroxycholesterol; 27O-HC: 27O hydroxycholesterol; PC: phosphatidylcholine; PLA2: phospholipase 2

    Author Year of Publication Type of Study Purpose of Study Intervention Studied Result/Conclusion
1. Saiz-Vazquez et al. [35] 2020 Meta-analysis To determine the association of serum cholesterol and AD. Total serum cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, and serum triglycerides The relation between increased LDL-C and AD was found. No association between TC, TG, HDL-C, and AD were found.
2. Zhou et al. [37] 2020 A systematic review and meta-analysis To determine the association of serum cholesterol and AD. LDL-C was measured Elevated LDL-C leads to AD. This association is more in patients 60–70 years of age and gradually declines with age.
3. Iqbal et al. [24] 2020 Systematic review To determine the association of serum lipids and AD HDL-C, LDL-C, TG, TC HDL-c was found to be low, whereas LDL-C, TG, TC were high in cases of AD.
4. Bernath et al. [40] 2020 Cross-sectional study To determine the association of triglycerides with AD Serum TG Serum TG was found to be high in cases of AD
5. Jensen et al. [28] 2020 Randomized control trial To determine if physical exercise influences the lipid profile and AD HDL-C, TC, LDL-C, triglycerides With an increase in physical activity, cholesterol was lower, thus decreasing the risk of AD.
6. Chew et al. [22] 2020 Literature review To determine the factors affecting lipid metabolism and the association between plasma lipids and AD. Age, sex, race, diet, plasma lipids level Decreased plasma HDL-C and increased triglyceride is associated with AD.
7. Liu et al. [39] 2019 Meta-analysis To determine the association between plasma cholesterol and AD Total serum cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, and serum triglycerides Serum LDL-C and total cholesterol were found to be elevated in AD. No association between HDL-C and triglycerides was found.
8. Wu et al. [38] 2019 Meta-analysis To determine the association between plasma lipids and AD HDL-C, TC, LDL-C LDL-C, TC are increased in AD
9. Costa et al. [42] 2019 Case-control study To determine the association between phospholipids and AD, and the activity of PLA2 in the brain Serum phospholipids, PLA2 by radio enzymatic assay Ten serum phospholipids were assessed and found to decrease in AD; PLA2 activity was also decreased in the neuronal membrane in AD.
10. Anstey et al. [34] 2017 A systematic review and meta-analysis To determine the association between plasma lipids and AD in midlife HDL-C, LDL-C, TC, TG Increased TC in midlife is found to be associated with late-onset AD. No association between HDL and TG with AD was found.
11. Proitsi et al. [25] 2017 Case-control study To determine the association between plasma cholesterol and AD and the associated brain atrophy Plasma lipids. Brain – left/right hippocampal area, entorhinal cortex Increased plasma lipids were associated with AD, causing brain atrophy.
12. Wong et al. [20] 2017 Literature review To determine the progress in lipidomics research in AD with the help of mass spectrometry Phospholipids, sphingolipids, and cholesterol Increase total cholesterol increase the risk of AD. Sphingolipids: in CSF – sphingomyelin levels increase in prodromal AD, ceramide increases in AD, sulfatide decreases in AD. As blood – ceramide level increases, sphingomyelin decreases in AD. Phospholipids: increases in CSF and decreases in blood in AD.
13. Wang et al. [11] 2016 Meta-analysis To determine if 24S-HC and 27 O HC are biomarkers for AD 24S-HC, 27S-HC 24S-HC and 27O-HC are sensitive biomarkers for AD diagnosis
14. He et al. [32] 2016 Case-control study To determine the association of plasma lipids with MCI in the elderly Total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, serum triglycerides were measured TC was elevated in the elderly with AD. No association between LDL-C and AD was found. HDL-C and TG were negatively related to AD.
15. Hall et al. [31] 2014 Systematic review To determine if increased cholesterol in AD is gender-specific Total serum cholesterol Males were found to have higher total Cholesterol in AD
16. Toro et al. [44] 2014 Cohort study To determine the association of total cholesterol in AD and MCI and the ApoE genotype Total cholesterol Increased TC is seen in patients with MCI and AD even before symptom scan arise. This is independent of the APOE genotype.
17. Lukiw [49] 2014 Literature review To determine if cholesterol and 24 hydroxycholesterol trafficking in the brain causes AD and CYP46A1 gene effects on AD Cholesterol and 24 hydroxycholesterol, beta-amyloid plaques, CYP46A1 genotyping Beta-amyloid plaques, which is characteristic of AD, were found with increased CSF 24 hydroxycholesterol, a mutation in the CYP46A1 gene causes dysfunctional cholesterol metabolism
18. Reitz and Mayeux [4] 2014 Literature review To determine the genetic and non-genetic risk factor of AD Plasma and CSF lipid markers, genetic mutations, age, physical activity, BMI, cerebrovascular disease.  Cholesterol was found to be increased in cases of AD.
19. Popp et al. [41] 2013 Case-control study To determine the association between cerebral and extracerebral cholesterol and its relation with AD. Plasma and CSF cholesterol, cholesterol precursors, 24 hydroxycholesterols, and 27 hydroxycholesterols were measured. Cholesterol synthesis was found to be de novo in the brain. Twenty-four hydroxycholesterols were found to increase in the case of AD.
20. Kosicek and Hecimovic [17] 2013 Literature review To determine the association between phospholipids and AD Sulfatide, ceramide, sphingomyelin, PC Sphingomyelin increases in the prodromal stage of AD, ceramide increases, Sulfatide decreases, and PC metabolites decreased in AD. 
21. Formiga et al. [27] 2012 Cohort study To determine the association of HDL-C levels with mental, physical activity, and cognition HDL-C Decreased HDL-C was only found to improve functional aspect but not cognitive performance
22. Helzner  et al. [29] 2009 Cohort study To determine the role of vascular risk factors in AD. Total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C High total cholesterol and LDL-C levels and diabetes cause an increased incidence of AD, thus confirming that vascular risk factors play a role in AD.
23. Mamo et al. [13] 2008 Case-control study To investigate if lipoproteins are bound to Aβ isoforms   Fasting state lipoproteins The majority of plasma triglycerides, VLDL, and IDL, was bound to Aβ1–40 isoform
24. Solomon et al. [33] 2007 Case-control study To determine the association between TC and AD TC Serum TC increases in midlife in AD and later decreases with age.
25. Raygani et al. [ 46] 2006 Case-control study To determine the association between plasma lipids, ApoE polymorphism, and with AD HDL-c, LDL-C, TC, APOB, APOE4, APOA1 Apolipoprotein e4 is associated with AD. Also, decreased apoA1, HDL-C, increased Apo B, increased LDL-C, TC is seen in AD.
26. Solfrizzi et al. [30] 2006 Literature review To determine the association between biomarkers such as HDL-C, TC, LDL-C, homocysteine, lipoprotein A, inflammatory cytokines, and AD HDL-C, LDL-C, TC, triglycerides, homocysteine, LP(A), cytokines All these biomarkers were found to increase in association with AD
27. Sabbagh et al. [15] 2005 Case-control study To determine the association between plasma lipids and AD HCL-C, LDL-C, TC, TG, TOTAL/HDL RATIO Increased TC, TG, LDL-C was associated with AD. HDL-C and total/HDL ratio remains normal in AD.
28. Wolf et al. [26] 2004 Randomized control trial To determine the association between hippocampal volume (presumptive index of AD) and plasma lipids Plasma HDL-C, LDL-C, TC were studied HDL-C was found to be associated with hippocampal volume in the brain.
29. Pappolla et al. [23] 2003 Cohort study To determine the association between amyloid plaques and hypercholesterolemia Amyloid deposits using imaging and immunohistochemistry and serum cholesterol Association was seen between hypercholesterolemia and beta-amyloid plaques deposited in the human brain
30. Kuo et al. [7] 1998 Case-control study To determine if elevated LDL-C in AD is related to beta-amyloid 1-42 TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, lipoproteins, ApoB A correlation was found between the levels of serum total cholesterol, LDL-C, and ApoB with only Aβ N-42 in AD, not Aβ N-40.
31. Moroney et al. [36] 1999 Cohort study To determine the effect of lipids on dementia with stroke HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides, total cholesterol, lipoprotein A, APOE4. Increased plasma LDL-C was found in patients with dementia with stroke, but its relationship with the ApoE4 allele was not established.