Growth of strains carryinglamBmutations in Cb-based M9 medium (a and b)and promoter activities in CbB3-evo1lamB∗strain grown on Cb (c and d). a. Culture in M9 containing 0.5% Cb at 37 °C of the strains CbB3evo1 (blue, dotted line), CbB3evo1 yfeNS121P (blue), CbB3evo1 lamB∗ (green), CbC2 (purple, dotted line), CbC2evo1 (red, dotted line), CbC2 yfeNS121P (yellow), and CbC2 lamB∗ (orange). The growth was monitored in Tecan Spark plate reader, and the data show the mean of three culture replicates. b. Culture in M9 containing 0.5% Cb at 37 °C of the strains CbB3-evo1 (blue) and CbB3-evo1 DlamB (orange). The mean of the data obtained on three culture replicates is shown.c. and d. The strains CbB3-evo1 lamB∗ transformed with pUA66 (black), pUA-Plac (red), pUA-PacpP (blue), pUA-Pgmk (orange), pUA-Ppdc (green) were grown in M9 containing 0.5% Cb at 37 °C. Growth and fluorescence signal were monitored in Tecan Spark plate reader. The mean of the data obtained on three culture replicates is shown. c. Optical density at 600 nm. d. Fluorescence level of GFP (excitation 488 nm / emission 521 nm). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)