Table 4.
Higher Average Calorie Consumption in Villages/Urban Sub-blocks with Higher Infant Mortality (India Human Development Survey, 2005)
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | |
Panel (a). cereal calories | ||||||
Infant mortality rate, | 0.924*** | 0.799*** | 0.648*** | 0.278** | 0.554*** | 0.394** |
PSU-level | (0.143) | (0.141) | (0.142) | (0.124) | (0.147) | (0.131) |
Percentage of | 0.878*** | |||||
households without | (0.239) | |||||
toilet in PSU | ||||||
Household open | 32.308*** | |||||
defecation | (9.821) | |||||
Log of MPCE | 148.491*** | 156.392*** | 194.493*** | 166.729*** | 205.7*** | |
(7.982) | (9.066) | (8.116) | (9.205) | (8.759) | ||
Urban residence | -331.257*** | -240.138*** | -178.206*** | -207.715*** | -179.5*** | |
(13.077) | (13.643) | (11.055) | (15.054) | (12.45) | ||
Price of wheat (Rs/kg) | -26.56*** | |||||
(2.552) | ||||||
Price of rice (Rs/kg) | -28.30*** | |||||
(1.574) | ||||||
N (households) | 39,652 | 39,652 | 39,652 | 39,652 | 39,652 | 39,652 |
Panel (b): Total calories | ||||||
Infant mortality | 0.768*** | 1.017*** | 0.832*** | 0.349*** | 0.711*** | 0.426** |
rate, PSU-level | (0.141) | (0.152) | (0.152) | (0.130) | (0.155) | (0.134) |
Percentage of | 1.249*** | |||||
households without | (0.280) | |||||
toilet in PSU | ||||||
Household open | 26.357** | |||||
defecation | (11.217) | |||||
Log of MPCE | 448.985*** | 429.049*** | 443.311*** | 441.223*** | 468.9*** | |
(9.659) | (10.955) | (9.741) | (11.104) | (10.66) | ||
Urban residence | -369.829*** | -265.138*** | -201.027*** | -223.038*** | -201.5*** | |
(15.828) | (17.052) | (13.252) | (18.525) | (14.69) | ||
Price of wheat (Rs/kg) | -61.20*** | |||||
(2.971) | ||||||
Price of rice (Rs/kg) | -18.90*** | |||||
(1.957) | ||||||
N (households) | 39,652 | 39,652 | 39,652 | 39,652 | 39,652 | 39,652 |
Household controls | X | X | X | X | ||
Extended household | X | |||||
demography | ||||||
State fixed effects | X |
Notes. Standard errors in parentheses are clustered by PSU (2,470 clusters). The dependent variable is per capita calories consumption of either staple (cereals) or all foods. Infant mortality rates are computed from IHDS. ‘Household open defecation’ means that the household has ‘no toilet/open fields’. MPCE stands for monthly per capita consumer expenditure and is measured in 2005 Rupees. Household controls are the exact same set of comeple household, educational, and social controls as used in Table 3. Extended household demography includes indicator controls for each number of persons, children, teens, married men and married women. Households in top and bottom 1% of per capita calories distribution are dropped from the estimating sample. ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.10.