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. 2021 Jan 11;29(1-2):41–54. doi: 10.1038/s41434-020-00214-w

Table 1.

Validation of LOD and confirmatory cut point.

LOD determination—Mean and ratio
Mean DMSO responses Confirmatory response ratios
Mean SFU/well Response ratios: antigen vs DMSO
Donor ID (n = 18) Triplicate mean SFU/well Triplicate mean SFU (log 10 transformed) AAV5 pool 1/mock AAV5 pool 2/mock Transgene-product peptide pool/mock
1 2 0.368 1.000 0.714 0.857
2C 1 0.000 3.000 1.333 1.667
3D 1 0.000 0.000 1.333 2.333
4 1 0.125 1.000 0.250 1.000
5 14 1.146 1.643 1.500 0.952
6 10 1.000 1.600 1.133 1.367
7A 71 1.851 1.164 1.192 1.169
8 5 0.699 1.067 1.067 1.000
9 3 0.523 1.700 1.700 1.000
10B 1 0.125 2.500 3.750 4.750
11 5 0.727 0.813 1.000 1.125
12 2 0.222 1.000 1.400 1.400
13 9 0.938 1.038 0.577 1.731
14 11 1.041 1.091 0.970 0.727
15 4 0.602 0.917 1.083 1.417
16 8 0.885 1.000 0.826 1.000
17 2 0.368 0.857 0.286 1.143
18 5 0.669 0.286 0.643 0.643
Minimum 0 0
25% percentile 0.17 0.857
Median 0.60 1.000
75% percentile 0.91 1.333
Maximum 1.15 1.731
Mean 0.56 1.049
Std. deviation 0.38 0.387
LOD determination (normal distrib.) Confirmatory cut point determination
Mean + 1.645x StDev 1.175 Mean +1.645x StDev
LOD (Anti-log of above) 15.0 1.69

Bold numbers represent the final calculated value for LOD and confirmatory cut point ratio respectively.

LOD and confirmatory cut point were based on a statistical analysis of the mean responses (SFU/well) under unstimulated (mock) conditions and the antigen/mock response ratios in naive monkeys, respectively. One result (7A (71)) was identified as a statistical outlier and excluded from the LOD analysis. Response ratios were obtained by dividing the triplicate mean SFU/well responses for AAV5 or transgene-product (TGP) peptide pools by the respective triplicate mean SFU/well response under unstimulated conditions (i.e., peptide stimulation/mock control). Five response ratios (2C (3.000), 3D (2.333) and 10B (2.500, 3.750 and 4.750)) were identified as statistical outliers and excluded from the confirmatory cut point analysis.