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. 2021 Jan 11;11:28. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-01123-7

Table 1.

Listing of features within feature groups.

Survey categories Mobility features Sociability features Cognition features Screen time features Sleep features
1. Anxiety 1. Time spent at home 1. Number of outgoing texts 1. Jewels Beta A 1. Screen time 1. Sleep duration
2. Social 2. Distance traveled 2. Total outgoing text length 2. Jewels Beta B 2. Session time
3. Medication 3. Radius of gyration 3. Texting out-degree 3. Checks
4. Psychosis 4. Maximum diameter 4. Number of incoming texts
5. Depression 5. Maximum distance from home 5. Total incoming text length
6. Sleep 6. Number of significant locations 6. Texting in-degree
7. Average flight length 7. Texting reciprocity
8. Standard deviation of flight length 8. Texting responsiveness
9. Average flight duration 9. Number of outgoing calls
10. Standard deviation of flight duration 10. Total outgoing call duration
11. Fraction of the day spent stationary 11. Call out-degree
12. Significant location entropy 12. Number of incoming calls
13. Minutes of GPS data missing 13. Total incoming call durations
14. Physical circadian rhythm 14. Call in-degree
15. Physical circadian rhythm stratified 15. Call reciprocity
16. Call responsiveness

Features are calculated for each participant for each day data is available. Cognition features are derived from a modified Cox proportional hazard model previously reported on13. Screen time features are derived from power state sensor data and checking behavior specifically (phone sessions lasting < 15 s) has been shown to be a proxy for problematic smartphone usage20. Sleep duration estimates were generated from sensor fusion of GPS, accelerometer, and screen usage events, by defining a significance threshold for filtration of extraneous observations. For GPS, the Euclidian distance between two events was taken; for accelerometer, the difference in magnitude between two events was taken; for screen usage, the duration of time the screen was turned on or the device was unlocked was taken. These three streams were binned in 24-h intervals starting at 12:00 (noon), and for all three sensors, the median of both sleep time and wake time were taken per bin to create a single sleep period.