Fig. 2. Overt phenotypes of PITPα−/− mice.
A, mortality profile derived from a pool of 57 PITPα−/− mice generated from 5 mating pairs over a period of 5 mating cycles. Data are presented as percentage of surviving progeny (+/+, open circles; −/−, closed circles) as a function of time (postnatal day). B, rates of body mass increase of PITPα+/+ and PITPα−/− littermates. Values represent averages for two sibling mice of each genotype (+/+, open circles; −/−, closed circles). The data are representative. C, visual comparison of PITPα+/+ and PITPα−/− littermates. Genotypes are at bottom. D, stomachs (S) of age-matched PITPα+/+ and PITPα−/− mice (P7) are filled with milk. Subcutaneous axillary (AF) and inguinal (IF) fat pads are indicated. E, comprehensive chemical analysis of eviscerated carcasses. Measurements represent the averages from six P6 and three P8 PITPα+/+ animals (solid bars) and six P6 and three P8 PITPα−/− mice (hatched bars). The abbreviations used are as follows: total, eviscerated carcass mass; FFDM, fat-free dry mass; and ASH, non-combustible carcass bone ash.