Fig. 3. Cerebellar injury in PITPα-deficient mice.
A, TUNEL staining of cerebellum. Genotypes are indicated. The ApopTag Fluorescein in Situ Detection Kit (Intergen Co.) was used as instructed by the manufacturer. B, Purkinje cell defects in PITPα−/− cerebellum. The Purkinje cell layer was revealed by staining with calbindin antibodies and counterstaining with toluidine blue O. C, reactive gliosis in PITPα−/− cerebellum. Sagittal sections of PITPα+/+ and PITPα−/− cerebellum (as indicated) were stained with anti-GFAP antibodies with or without counterstaining with toluidine blue O (right and left columns, respectively). D, higher magnification images of PITPα+/+ and PITPα−/− cerebellum stained with anti-GFAP antibodies and counterstained with toluidine blue O. Genotypes are at top.