Figure 1. ATP induces a gliosis in msEGCs.
AVolcano plot showing significantly regulated genes between control and ATP‐treated msEGCs.
BVisual representation of GO terms associated with enriched genes in ATP‐treated msEGCs compared to control.
C–FHeat maps of indicated GO terms in ATP‐treated msEGCs compared to control.
G–IqPCR analysis of indicated gliosis genes in ATP‐treated EGCs.
JqPCR analysis of IL‐6 in msEGCs that were treated for 6 h with ATP.
KIL‐6 protein levels in supernatants from msEGCs collected after 24 h treatment with ATP.
Data information: In (A), data are shown as fold change > 1.5, P‐value < 0.05; (n = 5 for untreated and n = 6 for ATP‐treated EGCs). In (G–K), data are shown as fold change + SEM. (G–I) n = 6–9, msEGCs. (J) n = 4–9, msEGCs. (K) n = 6–18, msEGCs. In (A–I): ATP concentration was 100 µM. In (J, K), ATP concentration was 1, 10, or 100 µM. Statistics were performed by applying unpaired Student's t‐test (G–K) and/or one‐way ANOVA with a subsequent Bonferroni test (J and K). In (A) a limma‐trend pipeline model and in (B) the Fishers exact test were performed. * indicates significance to control, and # indicates significance to ATP treatment with *P < 0.05, **/## P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001.