Left panel: Heatmap of the non‐supervised hierarchical clustering using 27 SFs, segregating patterns of immune reactivity of the TME (
n = 42) following a 60‐h stimulation with anti‐CD3 and anti‐CD28 mAbs (TCR cross‐linking). The heatmap shows
z score‐normalized concentration of soluble factors. Each column represents a tumor and each row a SF. Fold ratio of SF concentrations after TCR cross‐linking over the concentrations in untreated cells (medium) were log
2 transformed. Similar data were obtained using isotype control mAbs instead of medium (Appendix Fig
S2). The color gradient from purple up to orange indicates increasing gradients of concentrations. Missing values are shown in gray. Both rows and columns are clustered using correlation distance and average linkage. Right panel: distribution of fold ratio of each SF following TCR cross‐linking.