Table 1 |.
Conformation change force (Force, pN), change in extension (ΔX, nm), conformation change rate constant (kcc, per sec), distance to the transition state (x†, nm) and conformation change energy barrier (ΔG†, kcal per mol), for DNA and RNA squares.
FORCE | ΔX | Kcc | X† | ΔG† | |
DNA | 44.2±2.3 | 2.99±0.03 | 0.0016±0.0007 | 0.132±0.008 | 13.5±0.5 |
RNA | 44.6±4.1 | 4.1±0.10 | 0.005±0.0030 | 0.10±0.020 | 11.4±1.4 |