Molecular phylogeny of Porites lutea and other related species in Scleractinia based on complete mitogenome. The complete mitogenomes is downloaded from GenBank and the phylogenic tree is constructed by maximum-likelihood method with 500 bootstrap replicates. The gene's accession number for tree construction is listed as follows: Porites lutea (KU159432), Porites rus (NC_027526), Porites okinawensis (NC_015644), Porites porites (NC_008166), Porites panamensis (NC_024182), Goniopora columna (NC_015643), Fungiacyathus stephanus (NC_015640), Pseudosiderastrea formosa (NC_026530), Pseudosiderastrea tayami (NC_026531), Siderastrea radians (NC_008167), Agaricia humilis (NC_008160), Pavona clavus (NC_008165), Pavona decussata (NC_026527) and Corallimorphus profundus (NC_027105)