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. 2021 Jan 12;74:101663. doi: 10.1016/j.irfa.2021.101663

Table 8.

Two stage least squares regressions: Stringency Index and short-selling restrictions on herding behaviour.

First stage Second Stage
(1) (2) (3)
|Rm| 0.8406*** 0.4241*** 0.5349***
(0.21033) (0.0319) (0.0411)
Rm2 0.01709 −0.0446*** −0.0527***
(0.031531) (0.0047) (0.0061)
INDEX^ 0.0127*** 0.0169***
(0.0007) (0.0008)
ESMAN −0.3793 −0.0435 −0.0673
(0.4304) (0.0565) (0.0725)
ESMAB 0.5183 0.8679*** 1.1662***
(0.8837) (0.1066) (0.1368)
INDEXt1 0.9809***
CASES 0.00000288
DEATHS −0.0000775
(0 .000417)
VIX −4.4386*** −0.9162*** −1.2466***
(0.91017) (0.1373) (0.1770)
CONSTANT 0.55317*** 0.5658*** 0.7421***
(0.12718) (0.0191) (0.0247)
Obs 2669 2669 2669
Sargan test (χ2) 0.7191 1.3008
R2 Adjusted 0.9708 0.3729 0.3849

Notes: Table 8 reports the coefficient estimates of the first-stage (Eq. (5)) in Column 1 and second-stage regressions (Eq. (6)) in Columns 2 and 3. CSSD is computed by means of Eq. (1), and CSAD is computed by means of Eq. (2). |Rm| is the market return in absolute value, and Rm2 is the squared market return. INDEX denotes the Oxford Government Response Stringency Index, and INDEX^ is the estimated INDEX from Eq. (5). ESMAN and ESMAB are the dummy variables corresponding to short-selling notification and short-selling ban, respectively. INDEXt1 denotes the lagged value of the Stringency Index variable. CASES denotes the confirmed number of cases, and DEATHS denotes the confirmed number of deaths. VIX represents the uncertainty of the sophisticated derivatives’ market participants regarding the short-term expected market volatility. CONSTANT is the regression constant term. REGION is the dummy variable that takes on value one if the country is located in a given region (Europe, America, Asia-Pacific, Africa), and takes on value 0 otherwise. Robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. Asterisks ***,**,* denote the 1%, 5%, 10% significance levels, respectively. Insignificant Sargan test indicates that the over-identified restrictions are valid.