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. 2020 Sep 26;36(2):213–226. doi: 10.1007/s00384-020-03740-6

Table 3.

Other treatment modalities

Study Design N Mean age Male (%) HIV-positive (%) MSM (%) High-gradeAIN (%) Treatmentlength CR (%) PR (%) Recurred (%) ASCC (%) Follow-up (median in months) Level of evidence Bias score
Surgical excision
  Scholefieldet al. 1994[41] Retrospective chartreview 27 45 - - - 100 - - - 30 11 20 (mean) 4 Critical +
  Brown et al.1999 [23] Retrospective chartreview 34 44 - - - 100 - - 18 - 41 4 Critical +
N = 61
Photodynamic therapy
  Van de Snoeket al. 2012 [39] Prospective open-label pilot study 15 46 100 100 100 100 1 systemictreatment 20 27 20 0 - 4 Serious +
  Welbournet al. 2011[40] Retrospective chartreview 15 52 47 - - - 1 systemic ortopicaltreatment 40 20 20 0 19 4 Serious +
N = 30
HPV vaccination
  Swedishet al. 2012[42] Prospective cohort 202 40 100 0 100 100 3 doses ofquadrivalentHPVvaccination - -




60 unvaccinated

41 vaccinated

2B Moderate +
  Wilkin et al.2018 [43] Double-blindRandomisedControlled Trial 575

47 vaccinated

48 placebo

82 100 - 67 3 doses ofquadrivalentHPVvaccination - -



0 41 1C Low*
  Palefskyet al. 2006[44] Phase 1 + 2 trial ofexperimentalHPV vaccineSGN00101 15 48 87 100 - 100 3 doses ofexperimentalHPV vaccineSGN00101 7 27 0 0 11 2B High*
N = 31

+ Robins I tool* Cochrane risk of bias tool