Fig. 4. Unique expansion of mucin-binding domain-containing genes in Lb.
a Expansion and contraction of all annotated InterPro domains (IPRs) between the Lh and Lb genomes. The expansion index indicates the ratio of identified IPRs in the corresponding species to the highest number in all other hymenopteran species. See detailed information in Supplementary Data 6. b The attachment rate of wasp eggs in host larvae that were parasitized by Lb depleted of each of the nine mucin-binding domain-containing genes via RNAi treatment. dsGFP-treated Lb (PdsGFP) was used as a control. Left to right: n = 81, 99, 99, 99, 86, 75, 76, 83, 102, and 86 biologically independent host larvae. Three biological replicates were performed and shown as side dots. Data represent the mean ± SD. Significance was determined by two-tailed unpaired Student’s t test (PdsLbOGS00358: P = 0.1196; PdsLbOGS02280: P = 0.1387; PdsLbOGS02281: P = 0.9661; PdsLbOGS04370: P = 0.0569; PdsLbOGS05722: P = 0.3264; PdsLbOGS06929: P = 0.0001; PdsLbOGS06930: P = 0.8246; PdsLbOGS08145: P = 0.3972; PdsLbOGS09927: P = 0.077; ****P < 0.001). c Parasitism rates in D. melanogaster host larvae attacked by the above dsRNA-treated Lb wasps. Left to right: n = 76, 62, 78, 86, 99, 83, 58, 79, 152, and 86 biologically independent host larvae. Three biological replicates were performed and shown as side dots. Data represent the mean ± SD. Significance was determined by two-tailed unpaired Student’s t test (PdsLbOGS00358: P = 0.8317; PdsLbOGS02280: P = 0.0791; PdsLbOGS02281: P = 0.1182; PdsLbOGS04370: P = 0.0365; PdsLbOGS05722: P = 0.6201; PdsLbOGS06929: P = 2.9e-5; PdsLbOGS06930: P = 0.927; PdsLbOGS08145: P = 0.2255; PdsLbOGS09927: P = 0.0721; ****P < 0.001). d Expression heatmap of nine mucin-bd-containing genes. Samples correspond to those in Fig. 1. Gene architectures are shown on the right. Lines represent coding sequences; those in the same color indicate homologous segments across genes (peptide identity to Warm >50%), while those in lighter color indicate potential homologous segments of poorer identity (<50% to Warm). Gray boxes represent IPR004954. Source data are provided as a Source data file.