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. 2021 Jan 11;11:452. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79837-3

Table 3.

League table of association between asthma exacerbation and beta-blocking agent prescription: patients with baseline asthma.

Pla 1.00 (0.02,47.38) 1.00 (0.02,47.18) 0.57 (0.12,2.68) 0.67 (0.27,1.61) 0.24 (0.03,2.16) *0.14 (0.02,0.82) 0.49 (0.02,14.93) 0.33 (0.02,7.30) 0.14 (0.01,2.53) *0.06 (0.00,0.97) 0.18 (0.02,1.49) *0.05 (0.00,0.77) *0.10 (0.01,0.73)
1.17 (0.11,12.02) Cel 1.00 (0.02,47.85) 1.00 (0.02,46.05) 1.00 (0.02,46.05) 0.20 (0.01,3.90) 0.33 (0.02,7.32)
1.39 (0.06,33.84) 1.19 (0.03,53.95) Pra 0.33 (0.02,7.58)
1.26 (0.04,37.06) 1.08 (0.02,65.52) 0.91 (0.01,94.63) iPac 0.14 (0.01,2.53) 0.08 (0.00,1.25)
0.82 (0.26,2.58) 0.70 (0.07,6.78) 0.59 (0.02,15.24) 0.65 (0.02,23.05) Ate 0.25 (0.03,2.23) 0.25 (0.03,2.23) *0.38 (0.15,0.98) 0.36 (0.05,2.71) *0.06 (0.00,0.97) *0.05 (0.00,0.77)
0.95 (0.04,23.51) 0.82 (0.03,25.23) 0.68 (0.01,55.57) 0.75 (0.01,79.63) 1.16 (0.05,28.16) Bis 1.00 (0.02,46.05) 0.33 (0.02,7.32)
0.95 (0.04,23.51) 0.82 (0.03,25.23) 0.68 (0.01,55.57) 0.75 (0.01,79.63) 1.16 (0.05,28.16) 1.00 (0.02,46.05) CPro 0.33 (0.02,7.32)
0.65 (0.29,1.45) 0.55 (0.05,5.63) 0.46 (0.02,11.46) 0.51 (0.02,16.54) 0.79 (0.24,2.55) 0.68 (0.03,16.52) 0.68 (0.03,16.52) Pin 1.00 (0.24,4.24) 0.56 (0.12,2.60) 0.54 (0.17,1.74) 0.35 (0.08,1.47) 0.28 (0.07,1.15)
0.51 (0.14,1.87) 0.44 (0.04,4.78) 0.37 (0.02,7.81) 0.41 (0.01,15.20) 0.63 (0.16,2.39) 0.54 (0.02,13.73) 0.54 (0.02,13.73) 0.80 (0.23,2.81) Ace 0.56 (0.12,2.60) 0.54 (0.17,1.74) 0.35 (0.08,1.47) 0.28 (0.07,1.15)
*0.33 (0.12,0.92) 0.28 (0.03,2.45) 0.24 (0.01,5.79) 0.26 (0.01,8.95) *0.40 (0.17,0.95) 0.35 (0.02,7.77) 0.35 (0.02,7.77) 0.51 (0.19,1.41) 0.64 (0.20,2.07) Met 0.83 (0.38,1.80) 0.53 (0.05,5.29) 0.62 (0.28,1.38) 0.33 (0.01,7.63) 0.50 (0.24,1.05)
*0.30 (0.11,0.84) 0.26 (0.03,2.21) 0.21 (0.01,5.15) 0.24 (0.01,8.10) *0.36 (0.13,0.98) 0.31 (0.01,6.60) 0.31 (0.01,6.60) 0.46 (0.17,1.23) 0.58 (0.19,1.76) 0.90 (0.45,1.83) Pro 0.69 (0.34,1.42) 0.56 (0.29,1.07)
0.26 (0.02,3.20) 0.23 (0.01,6.87) 0.19 (0.00,10.90) 0.21 (0.01,5.66) 0.32 (0.02,5.02) 0.28 (0.00,16.11) 0.28 (0.00,16.11) 0.41 (0.03,5.62) 0.52 (0.03,8.51) 0.80 (0.05,11.83) 0.89 (0.06,13.14) iEsm 0.38 (0.06,2.28)
0.18 (0.02,1.63) 0.15 (0.01,3.80) 0.13 (0.00,6.24) 0.14 (0.01,2.53) 0.22 (0.02,2.63) 0.19 (0.00,9.24) 0.19 (0.00,9.24) 0.28 (0.03,2.90) 0.35 (0.03,4.49) 0.55 (0.05,6.17) 0.60 (0.05,6.85) 0.68 (0.09,5.37) iPLab 0.54 (0.18,1.59)
0.18 (0.01,2.17) 0.15 (0.01,3.52) 0.13 (0.00,6.46) 0.14 (0.00,9.42) 0.22 (0.02,2.49) 0.19 (0.00,8.82) 0.19 (0.00,8.82) 0.27 (0.02,3.35) 0.34 (0.03,4.50) 0.53 (0.05,5.29) 0.59 (0.05,6.51) 0.67 (0.02,22.87) 0.98 (0.03,27.58) Bev
*0.19 (0.07,0.55) 0.17 (0.02,1.51) 0.14 (0.01,3.37) 0.15 (0.00,5.30) *0.24 (0.09,0.65) 0.20 (0.01,4.57) 0.20 (0.01,4.57) *0.30 (0.11,0.82) 0.38 (0.12,1.16) 0.59 (0.29,1.19) 0.65 (0.34,1.26) 0.73 (0.05,10.92) 1.08 (0.09,12.31) 1.10 (0.10,12.16) Oxp 0.80 (0.49,1.32)
*0.15 (0.02,0.99) 0.13 (0.01,2.37) 0.11 (0.00,4.25) 0.12 (0.00,5.75) 0.19 (0.02,1.50) 0.16 (0.00,6.14) 0.16 (0.00,6.14) 0.23 (0.03,1.73) 0.29 (0.03,2.65) 0.46 (0.06,3.38) 0.51 (0.07,3.88) 0.57 (0.03,12.97) 0.84 (0.05,15.20) 0.86 (0.04,18.01) 0.78 (0.10,6.02) Lab
*0.16 (0.06,0.43) 0.13 (0.01,1.19) 0.11 (0.00,2.67) 0.12 (0.00,4.20) *0.19 (0.07,0.50) 0.16 (0.01,3.62) 0.16 (0.01,3.62) *0.24 (0.09,0.63) *0.30 (0.10,0.90) *0.47 (0.25,0.90) *0.52 (0.29,0.95) 0.59 (0.04,8.64) 0.86 (0.08,9.72) 0.88 (0.08,9.60) 0.80 (0.49,1.32) 1.03 (0.14,7.77) Tim
*0.10 (0.01,0.73) 0.08 (0.00,1.81) 0.07 (0.00,3.05) 0.08 (0.00,1.26) 0.12 (0.01,1.21) 0.10 (0.00,4.51) 0.10 (0.00,4.51) 0.15 (0.02,1.32) 0.19 (0.02,2.07) 0.30 (0.03,2.81) 0.33 (0.03,3.13) 0.37 (0.06,2.18) 0.54 (0.18,1.60) 0.56 (0.02,13.83) 0.51 (0.05,4.85) 0.65 (0.04,10.11) 0.63 (0.07,5.94) iPro

Pairwise (upper-right portion) and network (lower-left portion) meta-analysis results are presented as estimate effect sizes for the outcome of asthma exacerbation incidence rate. Interventions are reported in order of mean ranking of incidence of asthma exacerbation, and outcomes are expressed as odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence intervals). For the pairwise meta-analyses, OR of less than 1 indicate that the treatment specified in the row got less incidence of asthma exacerbation than that specified in the column. For the network meta-analysis (NMA), OR of less than 1 indicate that the treatment specified in the column got less incidence of asthma exacerbation than that specified in the row. Bold results marked with * indicate statistical significance.

Ace oral acebutolol, Ate oral atenolol, Bev oral bevantolol, Bis oral bisoprolol, Car oral carvedilol, Cat oral carteolol, Cel oral celiprolol, CI confidence interval, CPro oral celiprolol and propranolol, ES effect size, iEsm infusion of esmolol, iPac infusion of practolol, iPLab infusion of propranolol and labetalol, iPro infusion of propranolol, iSot infusion of sotalol, iTol infusion of tolamolol, Lab oral dilevalol or oral labetalol, Met oral metoprolol, Nad oral nadolol, NMA network meta-analysis, OR odds ratio, Oxp oral oxprenolol, Pin oral pindolol, Pla Placebo/control, Pra oral practolol, Pro oral propranolol, Sot oral sotalol, SUCRA surface under the cumulative ranking curve, Tim oral timolol.