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. 2021 Jan 12;19:8. doi: 10.1186/s12916-020-01878-2

Table 1.

Distribution of demographics, lifestyle, biomarkers and alcohol drinking patterns across different amounts of average weekly alcohol consumption

Categories Low risk
N = 147,769 (47.8%)
Increasing risk
N = 133,910 (43.3%)
Higher risk
N = 27,444 (8.9%)
Total sample N = 309,123
Age in years (mean); missing values = 0 56.4 55.9 55.3 56.1
Sex; missing values = 0 Females 101,067 (65.3%) 46,463 (30%) 7152 (4.6%) 154,682 (100%)
Males 46,702 (30.3%) 87,447 (56.6%) 20,292 (13.1%) 154,441 (100%)
Smoking status; missing values = 974 (0.3%) Never 92,419 (56.9%) 61,711 (38%) 8310 (5.1%) 162,440 (100%)
Previous 45,560 (39.9%) 56,100 (49.2%) 12,508 (10.9%) 114,168 (100%)
Current 9314 (29.5%) 15,680 (49.7%) 6547 (20.8%) 31,541 (100%)
Townsend score quintiles; missing values = 360 (0.1%) 0–20 (most affluent) 34,658 (50.9%) 28,908 (42.4%) 4559 (6.7%) 68,125 (100%)
80–100 (most deprived) 21,586 (42.3%) 22,727 (44.5%) 6734 (13.2%) 51,047 (100%)
Number of LTCs; missing values = 5 (< 0.1%) 0 54,566 (48.5%) 50,048 (44.2%) 8635 (7.6%) 113,249 (100%)
4 or more 7581 (48.6%) 6217 (39.8%) 1818 (11.6%) 15,616 (100%)
Body mass index (mean); missing values = 1237 (0.4%) 26.6 27.2 27.9 27
C-reactive protein (mean); missing values = 19,688 (6.3%) 2.31 2.30 2.76 2.34
Gamma glutamyl transferase (mean); missing values = 19,260 (6.2%) 31.4 40.4 65 38.3
Physical activity levels; missing values = 2987 (1%) High 15,234 (40.4%) 19,298 (51.2%) 3169 (8.4%) 37,701 (100%)
None 6629 (46.%) 5470 (38.3%) 2170 (15.2%) 14,269 (100%)
Systolic blood pressure; missing values = 9644 (3.1%) < 120 26,476 (60%) 15,653 (35.5%) 1977 (4.5%) 44,106 (100%)
120–139 59,707 (48.8%) 53,514 (43.7%) 9174 (7.5%) 122,395 (100%)
140–159 40,862 (43.4%) 43,191 (45.8%) 10,174 (10.8%) 94,227 (100%)
> 160 16,130 (41.6%) 17,421 (44.9%) 5200 (13.5%) 38,751 (100%)
Total cholesterol; missing values = 19,107 (6.1%) < 5.0 29,579 (47.8%) 27,480 (44.3%) 4912 (7.9%) 61,971 (100%)
5.0 or more 108,927 (47.8%) 98,334 (43.1%) 20,784 (9.1%) 228,045 (100%)
Self-rated health; missing values = 907 (0.3%) Excellent 29,554 (50.1%) 25,731 (43.6%) 3702 (6.3%) 58,987 (100%)
Poor 3083 (41%) 3035 (40.4%) 1398 (18.6%) 7516 (100%)
Alcohol consumed with food; missing values = 0 Yes 78,466 (58.8%) 49,946 (37.4%) 5142 (3.8%) 133,554 (100%)
No 23,823 (37.5%) 29,576 (46.6%) 10,119 (15.9%) 63,518 (100%)
Mixed 45,490 (40.6%) 54,397 (48.5%) 12,185 (10.9%) 112,072 (100%)
Type of alcohol consumed; missing values = 0 Red wine 43,487 (53.9%) 32,842 (40.7%) 4333 (5.4%) 80,662 (100%)
Beer or cider 24,682 (27.7%) 49,247 (55.2%) 15,218 (17.1%) 89,147 (100%)
White/sparkling wine 32,407 (59.6%) 18,759 (34.5%) 3192 (5.9%) 54,358 (100%)
Spirits 10,241 (62.5%) 5071 (30.9%) 1085 (6.6%) 16,397 (100%)
Others/mixed 36,962 (53.9%) 28,000 (40.8%) 3618 (5.3%) 68,580 (100%)
Frequency of alcohol consumption; missing values = 0 3–4 times a week 43,158 (41.6%) 54,576 (52.6%) 5991 (5.8%) 103,725 (100%)
1–2 times a week 89,173 (77.4%) 25,349 (22%) 755 (0.6%) 115,277 (100%)
Daily or almost daily 15,448 (17.1%) 53,994 (59.9%) 20,700 (23%) 90,142 (100%)

Legend: Townsend score is a measure of socio-economic status based on participant’s home postcode. LTCs = long-term conditions. Low risk: 1–14 average weekly alcohol units; increasing risk: 15–35 (females) and 15–50 (males) average weekly alcohol units; higher risk: > 35 (females) and > 50 (males) average weekly alcohol unit