Fig. 1.
a Combined effects of H2O2 (5 µmol), selenium (10 µmol) or its control methylcysteine (MCys; 10 µmol) on GSSG in fibroblasts from patients with GO (GO fibroblasts) or from control subjects. * and **p = 0.02 vs. H2O2. ‡ and ‡‡p = ns vs. H2O2. p = ns between GO and control fibroblasts. b Combined effects of H2O2 (5 µmol), selenium (10 µmol), or MCys (10 µmol) on cell proliferation in GO and control fibroblasts. *p = 0.02 vs. untreated cells. **p = 0.02 vs. H2O2. p = 0.003 between GO and control fibroblasts. c Combined effects of H2O2 (5 µmol), selenium (10 µmol), or its control methilcysteine (MCys; 10 µmol) on HA release in GO and control fibroblasts. *p = 0.02 vs. H2O2. p = 0.02 between GO and control fibroblasts [47].