Figure 1.
Changes in cellular oxidative stress; NO and MDA (A and B) and antioxidant enzymes; Cat and SOD the levels (C and D) in healthy control (n=80) and older adults with MCI (n=70). The results showed significant increase (p=0.001) in the levels of cellular NO and MDA in older adults with MCI compared to healthy controls (A and B). In addition, significant decrease (p=0.001) in the levels of antioxidant enzymes; CAT and SOD in older adults with MCI compared to healthy controls. Significance of the comparison was evaluated by Mann–Whitney-Wilcoxon test and sample t-test, * * p≤ 0.01, * * *p≤ 0.001.
Abbreviations: MCI, mild cognitive impairment; NO, nitric oxide; MDA, malonaldehyde, SOD, superoxide dismutase, CAT, catalase enzyme.