The molecular modeling of the designed DPVC. A) schematic diagram of the DPVC, including Flagellin C (1–495), and RS09 (101–107), two in vivo cleavable linkers (PPGVS and PPGVS), one PADRE sequence (AKFVAAWTLKAAA), and three peptide fragments covering the immunodominant B- and T-cell epitopes of spike glycoprotein. B) The structure of the molecular dynamics (MD)-refined vaccine model and its various constituent parts are visualized in surface (upper panel) and ribbon (lower panel) styles. The 3D models are represented by UCSF-Chimera software.72C) The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) trajectory of the DVC, showing the structural stability of the optimized vaccine model during a course of MD simulations (50000 ps). DPVC: domain-based protein vaccine construct. D: domain.