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. 2021 Jan 13;372:m4743. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m4743

Table 1.

Characteristics of included trials

Trial BMI; HbA1C range; insulin dependent inclusive? Mean age (years: (intervention/control); % female Carbohydrate intake; caloric restriction; intense behavioral support Comparator (diet, iso-caloric) Adherence Missing participant outcome data Duration of intervention (months)
Dyson et al (2010)34 BMI >25; did not include patients receiving insulin (n=12) 54 <40 g/d; calorically restricted; intense behavioral support Low fat Adequate 17% 3
Morris et al (2019)35 BMI >30; did not include patients receiving insulin (n=33) 69/64; 55% female <26% carbohydrate/d; calorically restricted Low fat Adequate 0% 3
Saslow et al (2014)36 * BMI ≥25; did not include patients receiving insulin (n=34) 65/55; 74% female “A very low carbohydrate, high fat, non calorie-restricted diet whose goal is to induce nutritional ketosis”; intense behavioral support Low fat; iso-caloric (per intake not per goal) Adequate 11% 12
Saslow et al (2017)37 BMI≥25; did not include patients receiving insulin (n=25) 53/58; 56% female 20-50 g/d Low fat; iso-caloric Adequate 24% 8
Yamada et al (2014)38 Did include patients receiving insulin (n=24) 63/63; 50% female 70-130 g/d Low fat; iso-caloric (per intake not per goal) Adequate 0% 6
Tay et al (2014)39 BMI 26-45; HbA1c≥7.0% or taking diabetes medication; did include patients receiving insulin (n=131) 58/58; 37% female 50-70 g/d target; calorically restricted; intense behavioral support Low glycemic index; iso-caloric Adequate 29% 24
Jönsson et al (2009)40 HbA1c>5.5%; did not include patients receiving insulin (n=17) 66/63; 24% female <130 g/d Low fat Adequate 18% 6 (crossover study; first 3 month comparison used in analysis)
Sato et al (2017)41 BMI >23; HbA1c>7.5%; did include patients receiving insulin (n=66) 61/58; 23% female 130 g/d target Low fat Adequate 6% 6
Goldstein et al (2011)42 BMI 30-40; HbA1C>7%; did not include patients receiving insulin (n=52) 57/55; 48% female 25-40 g/d; intense behavioral support Low fat (ADA 2000); iso-caloric Adherent at VLCD level 42% 12
Guldbrand et al (2012)43 Did include patients receiving insulin (n=61) 61/62; 56% female 20%; calorically restricted Low fat; iso-caloric Adequate 0% 24
Iqbal et al (2010)44 BMI≥30; did include patients receiving insulin (n=144) 60/60; 11% female <30 g/d; intense behavioral support Low fat Not adequate 47% 24
Nishimori et al (2018)45 NAFLD in addition; did include patients receiving insulin (n=28) 49/50; 36% female 70-130 g/d; goal was for restriction but was not seen with intake Low fat; iso-caloric (per intake not per goal) Adequate 0% 3
Vlachos et al (2011)46 BMI >30; did include patients receiving insulin (n=79) NA “Low-carbohydrate and protein sparing modified fast”; calorically restricted Low glycemic NA 22% 6
Westman et al (2008)47 BMI 27-50; did include patients receiving insulin (n=97) 52/52; 78% female <20 g/d; intense behavioral support Low glycemic; iso-caloric (per intake not per goal) Adequate 48% 6
Zadeh et al (2018)48 BMI 30-38; did include patients receiving insulin (n=42) 46.5 20%; intense behavioral support; calorically restricted Low fat; high fat; moderate fat; probably iso-caloric (three control arms) NA 7% 6
Daly et al (2006)49 Obese, poorly controlled T2D; did include patients receiving insulin (n=102) 58/59; 52% female <7 0 g/d Low fat; iso-caloric Adequate 23% 3
Davis et al (2009)50 BMI>25; A1C 6-11%; did include patients receiving insulin (n=105) 54/53; 50% female 20-25 g/d × 2 weeks + 5 g/wk; calorically restricted Low fat; iso-caloric Adherent at VLCD level 20% 12
Yancy et al (2010)51 BMI 27-30 plus obesity related disease, or BMI≥30; did include patients receiving insulin (n=46) 57/55; 13% female ≤20 g/d; intense behavioral support Low fat + orlistat Adequate 11% 12
Samaha et al (2003)52 BMI >35; did include patients receiving insulin (n=52) NA <30 g/d; intense behavioral support Low fat NA 42% 12
Shai et al (2008)53 BMI≥27 or coronary heart disease; did include patients receiving insulin (n=46) NA 20 g/d × 2 months with gradual increase to maximum 120 g/d Low fat; Mediterranean (two control arms) NA 22% 24
Lee et al (2013)54 BMI 30-65 (n=105) NA <70 g/d Low fat NA 25% 6
Breukelman et al (2019)55 BMI 38.9 (mean) (n=39) 55/58; 60% female <50 g/d No treatment control NA 10% 4
Perna et al (2019)56 BMI 24.9-34.9; A1c≤7.5% taking metformin; did not include patients receiving insulin (n=17) 59.5/67.8; 65% female <125 g/d; calorically restricted “Standard” calorically restricted + metformin NA 0% 3

ADA=American Diabetes Association; BMI=body mass index; HbA1c=glycated hemoglobin; NA=not available; NAFLD=non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; T2D=type 2 diabetes; VLCD=very low calorie diet.


Saslow 2014 met inclusion criteria but included 4/34 randomized participants who had pre-diabetes, not type 2 diabetes (>88% diabetic population). Contact with authors for diabetes specific data was unsuccessful. Although this situation was not considered a priori, research team decided to include this study on basis that any study with >80% of population having diabetes would be eligible; this scenario was not relevant in any other cases. This decision was made before results of study were reviewed.