Fig. 5. Modeled radiative effect due to biomass burning aerosol-radiation interactions.
a default CAM5.4 biomass burning (BB) radiative effect due to aerosol-radiation interactions (REari), b the difference in REari due to changes in BB black carbon refractive index (CAM_ BCRI – CAM5.4), c the difference in REari due to increasing BB aerosol size (CAM_Dg160 – CAM5.4), d the difference in REari due to treating fresh BB aerosol as externally mixed (CAM_EMIX – CAM5.4), e the difference in REari due to all of the previous changes (CAM_ALL – CAM5.4), and f the REari of BB with all of the previous changes (CAM_ALL). Hatching indicates regions where the change over the ensemble years is significant to the 0.05 level. Note difference in color bars.