Fig. 10.
Microarray analysis of significantly regulated genes in the CS-exposed lung. a The bar chart represents the total number of DEG, downregulated and upregulated DEG with p < 0.05 and FC > 2.0, which are considered significantly regulated. b Heat map shows different DEG regulation in the CS group as compared to the naive, hUC-MSC-EVs, and hUC-MSCs groups. c PCA plot shows a cluster of samples (n = 2) in the naive, CS, hUC-MSC-EVs, and hUC-MSCs groups. d Volcano plots of differentially expressed genes obtained from the microarray analysis. The red dots represent upregulated DEG, while blue dots represent downregulated DEG. p value generated using t test. e Venn diagram shows overlapping DEG among CS, hUC-MSC-EVs, and hUC-MSCs. A total of 9888 DEG were overlapped in 3 groups, 1610 DEG were overlapped between CS and hUC-MSC-EVs, 4597 DEG were overlapped between CS and hUC-MSCs, and 1976 DEG were overlapped between hUC-MSC-EVs and hUC-MSCs