Figure 7.
cIMS of the m/z 657 fragment produced by fragmentation of the AGC(cam)LIGAEHVNN(dea)SYEC(cam)DIPIGAGIC(cam)ASYQTQTNSPR O-Glycopeptide produced by tryptic digest and PNGaseF deglycosylation of the SARS-CoV-2 S glycoprotein using the following settings: (A) one pass cIMS does not resolve SA (2–3) GalGalNAc and SA (2–6)GalGlcNAc; (B). 5 passes cIMS with 70V CE; (C) 5 passes cIMS with 70V CE; and (D) 5 passes cIMS with 70V CE. The ion mobilograms (B,C,D) show that multiple passes improve resolution of isobaric (SA (2–3) GalGalNAc and SA (2–6)GalGlcNAc ) structures and reveals differences in the stability of the sialic acid linkages.