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. 2020 Oct 23;7:588391. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2020.588391

Table 1.

MEs in soft robotic applications.

Application Magnetic material References
sME actuator Carbonyl iron Kashima et al., 2012
Rheology control Carbonyl iron Jung et al., 2016
Micro-wire steering NdFeB Jeon et al., 2019
Micro-wire steering NdFeB Kim et al., 2019
Rotation of flagella Cr/Ni/Au trilayer Zhang et al., 2009a
Controllable VSDI Carbonyl iron Behrooz et al., 2014
Actuator positioning Fe2O3 Pacchierotti et al., 2017
Origami folding Bar magnet, NdFeB Bowen et al., 2015
Origami fish steering Bar magnet, NdFeB Sung et al., 2017
Inchworm control Black iron oxide Joyee and Pan, 2019
Inchworm control Carbonyl iron Qi et al., 2020
Inchworm soft robot MRF (iron) Hua et al., 2020
sME air valve Carbonyl iron Böse et al., 2012
sME flexing joint Carbonyl iron Kitano et al., 2020
3D deformable structures NdFeB Kim et al., 2018
Elastic beam deformation NdFeB Lum et al., 2016
Millimeter unthethered swimmers NdFeB Zhang and Diller, 2018
Millimeter unthethered swimmers NdFeB Hu et al., 2018
Millimeter unthethered swimmers NdFeB Manamanchaiyaporn et al., 2020
Variable length linkages Superparamagnetic Fe3O4 Kim et al., 2011
Magnetothermal shape change Fe3O4 Tang et al., 2018
Sensing tactile skin Nd-Pr-Fe-B Hellebrekers et al., 2020
Sensing tactile skin Iron nanowires Alfadhel and Kosel, 2015
Sensing tactile skin Iron nanowires Alfadhel and Kosel, 2015
Wearable hME skin NdFeB Almansouri et al., 2019
Peristaltic pump Carbonyl iron Wu et al., 2019