Table 3.
Selected guidance parameters used during the experiments.
. Parameter | Value |
Guidance Algorithm | |
Guidance re-compute rate | 10 s |
Maneuver time tf | 70 s |
Pre-set time tps | 60 s |
Number of nodes | N1 = 26 and N2 = 20 |
Convergence threshold | ϵ1,2 are set at 10% of |
End-effector error to trigger capture | ≤5 cm |
Post-capture manipulator deceleration period | 5 s |
Chaser | |
Chaser base-spacecraft initial position | x = 3.3 m, y = 3.3 m |
Manipulator initial configuration | θm(t = 0) = [-80°,-80°,0°] |
Manipulator final configuration | θm(tf) = [-60°,60°,0°] |
RSO | |
RSO position | x = 1 m, y = 1.3 m |
RSO angular velocity | 5 deg/s |
Nominal RSO orientation at start of maneuver | -100° |
Mock solar panel dimensions | 1 × 0.1 m |
Main body dimensions | 0.4 × 0.4 m |