Table 2.
A summary of the annotation schema categories used.
Category | Description |
Title | The title of the research paper or article |
Year | Publication Year |
Scenario | A description of the human-robot scenario used in the article |
Application | What is the main application domain presented in the article |
Robot | Type of robot(s) presented in the article |
Role | The main role of the robot/agent with in the scenario presented |
Definition | The definition of “engagement” presented in the context of the article |
Affect | Is there an affective component to the engagement definition |
Participants' type | Are the participants of the study children, adults or both |
Number of participants | Indicates the number of participants included in any study (or studies) presented in the article |
Lab study | Did the article include a study that is conducted in a laboratory settings |
Sensors used perception/how? | What sensors are used to measure engagement (if any) |
Perception | Is sensory information used for training an ML model? |
Research objectives | What are the aims (purpose), research questions and/or hypotheses presented in the article |
Engagement type | Is the article focusing on the perception, generation or simulation of engagement |
Study attributes | What are the main evaluated attributes presented in the article |
Scenario tag | In what context is the interaction taking place? |
Finding/s | The main finding presented in the article |
Mode | Was the operating mode of the robotic agent automated or based on a Wizard-Of-Oz approach? |
Language | What language was the study conducted in? |
Country | Where was the study conducted? |
Perception | How is participant perception measured? |
measurements | Questionnaires/video analysis/observation |
Mode of use | Was the technical setting conducted in real-time, simulated or crowd sourced |
Type of paper | What is the main type of the article presented (e.g., Technology, User evaluations etc.) |