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. 2020 Aug 4;7:92. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2020.00092

Table 2.

A summary of the annotation schema categories used.

Category Description
Title The title of the research paper or article
Year Publication Year
Scenario A description of the human-robot scenario used in the article
Application What is the main application domain presented in the article
Robot Type of robot(s) presented in the article
Role The main role of the robot/agent with in the scenario presented
Definition The definition of “engagement” presented in the context of the article
Affect Is there an affective component to the engagement definition
Participants' type Are the participants of the study children, adults or both
Number of participants Indicates the number of participants included in any study (or studies) presented in the article
Lab study Did the article include a study that is conducted in a laboratory settings
Sensors used perception/how? What sensors are used to measure engagement (if any)
Perception Is sensory information used for training an ML model?
Research objectives What are the aims (purpose), research questions and/or hypotheses presented in the article
Engagement type Is the article focusing on the perception, generation or simulation of engagement
Study attributes What are the main evaluated attributes presented in the article
Scenario tag In what context is the interaction taking place?
Finding/s The main finding presented in the article
Mode Was the operating mode of the robotic agent automated or based on a Wizard-Of-Oz approach?
Language What language was the study conducted in?
Country Where was the study conducted?
Perception How is participant perception measured?
measurements Questionnaires/video analysis/observation
Mode of use Was the technical setting conducted in real-time, simulated or crowd sourced
Type of paper What is the main type of the article presented (e.g., Technology, User evaluations etc.)