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. 2021 Jan 13;16(1):e0245213. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245213

Table 3. Assemblage characteristics by site, showing the number of identified caribou remains (NISP tot.), the number of caribou remains with observable surfaces (NISP obs.), and the number of caribou remains bearing cut marks (NISP cut).

Palangana Bear 33B TL2 TL3 Kakinya Rulland Tulukana
All bones NISP tot. 277 1637 136 140 882 1788 190 2536
NISP obs. 275 1602 134 126 854 1698 183 2219
NISP cut 205 554 102 77 416 681 123 1129
cuts/obs. 74.5% 34.6% 76.1% 61.1% 48.7% 40.1% 67.2% 50.9%
Humerus NISP tot. 66 94 6 9 28 154 32 241
NISP obs. 66 94 6 8 28 145 31 208
NISP cut 48 64 3 6 16 52 22 141
cuts/obs. 72.7% 68.1% 50.0% 75.0% 57.1% 35.9% 71.0% 67.8%
Radioulna NISP tot. 87 89 12 10 40 236 22 347
NISP obs. 85 89 12 9 39 224 22 301
NISP cut 45 61 12 8 22 83 17 127
cuts/obs. 52.9% 68.5% 100.0% 88.9% 56.4% 37.1% 77.3% 42.2%
Femur NISP tot. 68 122 9 16 28 108 33 279
NISP obs. 68 122 9 15 26 105 33 243
NISP cut 54 80 8 8 18 73 25 140
cuts/obs. 79.4% 65.6% 88.9% 53.3% 69.2% 69.5% 75.8% 57.6%
Tibia NISP tot. 56 144 36 21 35 172 16 328
NISP obs. 56 144 36 20 33 164 16 282
NISP cut 37 98 31 16 15 77 13 161
cuts/obs. 66.1% 68.1% 86.1% 80.0% 45.5% 47.0% 81.3% 57.1%

The ‘all bones’ rows correspond to all caribou remains (e.g. phalanges, femur, carpals, ribs).